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Life is crazy, but I am sane

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Ultimately I’m a combination of life or all of reality and myself. I came to this world as a sane child with incredible intuition and insight that I didn’t realize until over 20 years later. Anyone looking to get out of suffering should really try some mixed vipassana and Jhana practice. There is a way out of suffering. It’s becoming suffering as well as everything else. 

Yours Truly, 

A man with bipolar disorder type 1, generalized anxiety disorder, seasonal affective disorder, CPTSD, and ADHD. All of these “illnesses” were absolutely integral to all of my awakenings in some way or another. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Mental disorders don’t fuck your mind. But the treatment society has designed for them can.
glad for your beautiful story. Enjoy your level of consciousness which you deserve. I would just tell you to be careful with psychedelics and this work generally if you have a mental disorder. Are you on medication ? 

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This should not even be called mental disorders. People have different type of brain, that is all, maybe what we call mental disorders is just another form of intelligence simply but society wants to label everything out of the norm as « disorders » and that is how abuse from all time have been made 

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  On 8/1/2021 at 0:34 AM, Ilan said:

This should not even be called mental disorders. People have different type of brain, that is all, maybe what we call mental disorders is just another form of intelligence simply but society wants to label everything out of the norm as « disorders » and that is how abuse from all time have been made 

That's just dangerous thinking and disrespectful to those that do suffer from these ailments. Not everyone can just "think" their disorder away. To deny their existence is foolish. But, there is nothing wrong with questioning truly what they are. A few years back I would 100% agreed with what you are saying, but it was fitting my own self-biases and not holding empathy for others unlike myself.

It's also extremally self biased and somewhat dangerous to spread around how our mental ailments are the reason for our "enlightenment". This information in the wrong hands could lead to self harm or harm to others. 

I don't disagree the medial industry handles these disorders improperly in more cases than not, but we shouldn't trivialize or generalize groups of people and make grandiose statements about such a complex topic.

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@Nos7algiK I am not sure you understand what Ilan was implying.

To me it seems like you're biased towards the frame of mental disorders.

Edited by Windappreciator

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  On 8/1/2021 at 2:05 AM, Windappreciator said:

@Nos7algiK I am not sure you understand what Ilan was implying.

To me it seems like you're biased towards the frame of mental disorders.

A fair assessment to what I said. You are free to see it that way if you wish, I'm at no loss lol.

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  On 8/1/2021 at 2:08 AM, Nos7algiK said:

A fair assessment to what I said. You are free to see it that way if you wish, I'm at no loss lol.

Thank you, your majesty.

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  On 8/1/2021 at 2:13 AM, Windappreciator said:

Thank you, your majesty.

I forgot, this is the internet. I'm suppose to argue against what you said about me and get really defensive while making vapid points as to why you are wrong lol.

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  On 8/1/2021 at 2:17 AM, Nos7algiK said:

I forgot, this is the internet. I'm suppose to argue against what you said about me and get really defensive while making vapid points as to why you are wrong lol.

If you really want to know. I thought you would rather provide me with a reason to maybe see more validity within the mental disorder stuff that I may have been missing out on.

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  On 8/1/2021 at 2:17 AM, Nos7algiK said:

I forgot, this is the internet. I'm suppose to argue against what you said about me and get really defensive while making vapid points as to why you are wrong lol.

Haha the release of dropping superficial survival ?

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  On 8/1/2021 at 2:28 AM, Windappreciator said:

If you really want to know. I thought you would rather provide me with a reason to maybe see more validity within the mental disorder stuff that I may have been missing out on.

I can do that.

Personally, I have a difficult time giving validity to mental disorders. As someone who was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age, but "overcame" it in my mid-20s with the use of psychedelics. I realized it "literally" was all inside my mind. Confirmation biases largely based on my own inability to integrate/accept faucets of reality and greatly amplified by external sources such as doctors/parents telling me I had it. I did it all to myself and because of that it was myself that could un-do it. Now, I no longer suffer from any of those symptoms.

Because of this, I went around trivializing mental health. Preaching to others how everyone is normal or we are all equally different, thus making us normal. There was no true ground to base mental health off of. Anyone could will themselves better with enough introspection and maybe the use of psychedelics to aid it.

In hindsight I realized how insensitive and unemphatic this was to those that "believed" themselves to be suffering from a disorder. Also, concepts such as severe autism were hard to rationalize towards them ever having the capacity for normality or pretending to accept they are normal as a witness to them. Obviously still accepting them as a person.

So I stopped preaching this to others, even if my intentions were pure, my words with not just meaningless to almost everyone but also offensive. So I learned to accept that no matter what I may believe inside I still need to accept that within this realm of imagination the " I " can dream up "other" people who perceive themselves mentally ill and I need to fully accept them as if this is not just their truth, but my own truth.

I should not project my own biased opinion, even if it's what I perceived to be my own experience, onto others. Specially doing it in such blanket statement way.

When I say I accept their disorder, I don't personally perceive it as a disorder per-say even now. But rather that's just how consciousness wishes to be at that moment. It's just a thing that is happening and I shouldn't attempt to change it. Even with that being said I'm aware how that makes my original comment somewhat hypocritical due to my own need for commenting in the first place when I  "shouldn't attempt to change it."

Edited by Nos7algiK

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@Nos7algiK I see, but as it was with you and the doctors maybe being submissive towards social commonalities is more the issue here. That leads to identifying with seeing oneself as disordered through the desire of not breaking the ordinary. And that may hinder pursuit for healing.

Edited by Windappreciator

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  On 8/1/2021 at 2:58 AM, Windappreciator said:

@Nos7algiK I see, but as it was with you and the doctors maybe being submissive towards social commonalities is more the issue here. That leads to identifying with seeing oneself as disordered the through the desire of not breaking the ordinary. And that may hinder pursuit for healing.

I think pursuing healing is very relative. Sometimes one must experience or be told what we are not in order to find ourselves. Overcoming that can give you a sense of fortified against it happening again.

At the same time we must be careful not to demonize the medical industry, regardless of our views on it, due to how the mind can form toxic thought barriers if it perceives itself being tricked by a "trusted" source.

The best discovery is self discovery and giving others these tools can be very helpful.

I personally have no widespread solution for mental health in others. Though it once was a very passionate topic of mine to talk about. I no longer pursue attempting to deprogram what society and doctors have imprinted on a person.

Accept the suffering with kindness. Have faith all shall be well with them.

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@Nos7algiK I see. I think challenging people with their consent into a program or project works as well and to be preferred over blinding them with the ignorance of the medical system until they eat it. Many do not make it out with more love in their hearts.

Edited by Windappreciator

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The simple fact is that I cannot stop trying to progress in some way. It is my very nature and yours as well. I’ve just accessed what feels like faster progress, but who knows? Maybe it isn’t.  

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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  On 8/1/2021 at 3:20 AM, Windappreciator said:

@Nos7algiK I see. I think challenging people with their consent into a program or project works as well and to be preferred over blinding them with the ignorance of the medical system until they eat it. Many do not make it out with more love in their hearts.

I would agree that can be very helpful as well. There defiantly should be some sort of buffer to ease people back into regaining control of their own mind/perceptions. Attempting to rip away what once was so relevant in someone's life all in one go can cause the ego to rebel, though it's not impossible doing it this way either.  I'm not fan at all how the medical industry handles those seen with mental illnesses. But, that's a pretty radical topic in full. 


  On 8/1/2021 at 3:26 AM, BipolarGrowth said:

The simple fact is that I cannot stop trying to progress in some way. It is my very nature and yours as well. I’ve just accessed what feels like faster progress, but who knows? Maybe it isn’t.  

You are free to perceive yourself how ever you wish. Personally, I thought my ADHD was a catalyst to my own awakenings. I preached this to many, specially those who also had ADD/ADHD. Later, in my own opinion, I realized it was all a lie I told myself. Reality itself is 100% self deception and will always, no matter what I do, conform to my perception of self's belief system. That, when I tried so very hard to become more awake or even attempt to become enlightened. Consciousness would "imagine" a scenario of me accomplishing my desire usually in some form of mystical experience. This brings my original intent full circle thus confirming I accomplish something. When in truth, there is Nothing that can truly be gained or accomplished. For all things are perfectly perfect and Infinite. If "now" is Infinite then it doesn't matter if I'm experience typing this message or having some sort of non-dual God realization. It's all the same value, once again showing me there is nothing I can truly gain. So, then I must accept what is with unconditional interests for there is nothing to be sought, except experiencing the "now".

But, this very well could be my own delusion and some sort of 5D chess to justify some sort of laziness lol. Everyone is free to perceive reality as they wish, there is no wrong way.

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  On 8/1/2021 at 3:26 AM, BipolarGrowth said:

The simple fact is that I cannot stop trying to progress in some way. It is my very nature and yours as well. I’ve just accessed what feels like faster progress, but who knows? Maybe it isn’t.  

Shinzen Young teaches that after a certain threshold in one’s practice, there tends to be an exponential take off. It seems like you’ve hit this threshold. 

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  On 8/1/2021 at 3:51 AM, Consilience said:

Shinzen Young teaches that after a certain threshold in one’s practice, there tends to be an exponential take off. It seems like you’ve hit this threshold. 

Yeah I can’t turn the valve off because it’s dematerialized in front of me. Where is my ego? Nowhere! And everywhere too. The ego isn’t what is truly changed the most but the perception and capability for control of crazy states. The jhanas are so amazing ?


and suffering becomes a whole new area. You constantly break through the illusion to realize bad emotions LOVE YOU and they are there to help with an important message or even distraction. You can overcome suffering. The Buddha was right. I can testify to this that the methods work extremely well for me personally. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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We are all born sane. But usually we get infected with others people's BS as we grow up.

Then we carry on with that infection and our life becomes miserable for no good reason.

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