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Concentration Meditation Vs Insight Meditation

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Hey guys, new member first post ;)

so I have a question regarding Concentration Meditation versus Insight Meditation, I mean as far as I'm concerned Leo videos promotes Insight meditation, not sure I've ever heard otherwise 

but I found out that there are more types after doing some research.. and honestly I have been doing the concentration type for some days now cause I found it to be easier practice but didn't know it was different in terms of its benefits.. so which one should I practice? specially when some people say that they don't really go hand in hand.. I'm currently doing 20 minutes at  morning and at night with a mantra in my head.. ideas?


thanks in advance!

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They go hand in hand great. Try mantra or just awareness of breath for 20 minutes and then open up to more loose focus for the last 10 minutes by just being aware of that you are aware..

Edited by zikzak

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58 minutes ago, zikzak said:

The go hand in hand great. Try mantra or just awareness of breath for 20 minutes and then open up to more loose focus for the last 10 minutes by just being aware of that you are aware..


if understood  you correctly, you're recommending me to keep doing my concentration meditation for 20 minutes, and after those 20 minutes add 10 minutes of so called mindfulness meditation? is that right?


(would love to see some more opinions :))

Edited by meditach

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@meditach Concentration meditation is a good start, but the effects aren't too great. It is easier for building the habit, but once you've established it, I don't see a point in it. See it as two levels - concentration would be the newbie entrance point, mindfulness meditation would be the higher level. Once you are comfortable with doing 30minutes + with just mindfulness meditation, go for just that and ditch the old concentration meditation, it would only make matters go longer. It would basically become a form of resistance to the process of emotional catharsis.

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@Martin123 Thanks!

so basically once I can handle just sitting for 30 minutes or do you mean once I can concentrate good enough up to 30 minutes without losing focus?

asking that because right now I lose focus a hell of a lot during my concentration meditation, I just have sudden VERY weird ideas coming up to my head which usually don't make sense anyways, and it takes time for me to realize that it even happened..

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@meditach The trick is not getting lost in the ideas, but rather observing them. That's mindfulness. Concentration is a whole different thing.
Check out Leo's videos on meditation (especially the guided one), that should give you a gist of what the goal of meditation should be! :-)

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@Martin123 I understand, so your suggestion is to stop the concentration practice, I really hope though that I wouldn't lose some of the benefits that I've gotten from it.. would love to hear some more opinions!



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@meditach Don't worry. The path of meditation is often unclear, often it seems like you are going backwards. But chill. Trust the process.

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@Martin123 Thank you appreciate it my friend:)


When leo's video comes right in time ahahaha!


Edited by meditach

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