
What's your model of awakening that you use?

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All of us have some sort of idea of where the next level for oursleves is. Sometimes we don't, but eventually we find it. In that we slowly create a model with labels etc. In our mind. Like first, ego mind then no mind then God mind etc. 

Whatever your personal model is, as you went through this journey, please share if you'd like. Also pls explain

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For me I keep it simple. Awakening is nothing more than an organism recognizing that what it often mistakes to be the thinker of it's thoughts is just more thought. 

I think my thoughts the same way I grow my hair. That is to say, my organism does it automatically and there's no separate 'me' hiding somewhere inside my organism 'doing it'.  


"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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I use this and the Theravada Buddhist models as they seem to hold up better. It’s pretty amazing.


At some point you realize enlightenment was just another arbitrary illusion. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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