
I feel guilty for being privileged

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I've had a life purpose before finding Knew what I wanted to do, didn't have an idea as to how to get it. Granted, I should tell you that I'm the type of guy to see other people as either brick walls or enemies. Sometimes that veil is pierced by me successfully and other times it isn't. So I'll start with that. But it's crazy, because the same people who I would potentially see as either brick walls or enemies, a lot of the times I procrastinate in pursuing my journey because I feel that it's a zero sum game that I'm pushing people away from. The same people who I would see as either brick walls or enemies, well, they're looking at me the same way but with their own sentimentalities and things that make them happy just like me. And I can't just not care about them, because then they won't care about me. I can't just say oh fuck them, because then they can say the same to me. Now, with the 20 bonuses of "dream killers" I didn't see this one mentioned: the idea that I don't want to pursue success because I don't want to take things away from other people. I don't want to take business scape away from other people. I don't want to take women away from other men. I don't want to do these things. Our society isn't structured so that as many people as possible can be happy. I'm a bad person for making myself happy because it's at the expense of other people. Anybody else who does this is a bad person as well. What are your counterarguments?

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Just for fun, I'm going to challenge the assumptions I see in your post:

Why is life a zero-sum game to you? Why isn't there enough of <fill-in-the-blank> for everyone?

Why are people brick walls and enemies when they could be bridges and friends instead?

Why does your success necessarily mean others fail?

Why does dating mean taking a woman away from another man? She might be single, to begin with.

Why would creating a new business necessarily take away people from an old business? You don't have to focus on stealing clients, just build something new and create new clients.

Why does making yourself happy mean other people are unhappy, that it's at the expense of others? My guess is that it's not true happiness if your happiness makes others miserable.

Am I (someone you have never met and know next to nothing about) a bad person because I am happy?

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@Nobody_Here I don't think life is a zero sum game in all respects. I mean I think this is partially an aspect of our society is that some things such as water are not zero sum. But many other things, perhaps such as romantic relationships or YouTube audience are more or less zero sum. I think. What I should say, is that I don't know that they aren't.

People are brick walls and enemies not necessarily because they couldn't be bridges and friends. But I do know that I probably do not know how to interact with most of them. I have my own journey in getting better at this that is unrelated to my post.

Why does my success necessarily mean others fail? Well, that's a very complicated question that doesn't relate directly to this post with concrete example. I'd prefer to use concrete examples, whether actual or hypothetical, rather than abstract ones, for now.

Why does dating mean taking a woman away from another man. Well, is it perhaps the case that 80% of the women generally look for 20% of the men or something like that? I want those numbers to start getting more equalized. I don't know for sure what can be done. If 50% of the women started looking for 50% of the men that would be cool in the next 1,000 years. I don't think I'd be able to directly facilitate any of that. 

Why would creating a new business take away people from an old business? well, building something new, regardless of what it is or is not in competition with, is still driving attention away from something else and towards it, isn't it?

Why does making myself happy mean that other people are unhappy. Well, I am privileged in the sense that I am able to make myself happy, and other people are not privileged in the sense that they cannot do so for themselves.

No, you're not a bad person, you are helping me. At least I think. Let's see what happens from here on out, eh?

On one hand I think you're not completely understanding my points. It seems like you're trying to drive the conversation towards the idea that happiness needs to come from within. I see this as something that people simply say without giving details as to exactly what it is or how to exactly sense it for yourself. And I do not believe that happiness fully comes from within. There are always physical requirements. Maslow's hierarchy does not exist without the bottom of the pyramid.

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