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Sex asymmetry proven in one image

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Do you mean because men are 5% more likely to get vaccinated than women? 

That's what the chart shows. Does a 5% difference actually mean that?

Edited by Emerald

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Men are more likely to die or have serious complications from COVID than women. Women are more likely to have side effects and reactions to vaccines. 

However women have led men in higher vaccination rates for months, if not still currently. 

Edited by mandyjw

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Who fucking cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toxic gender wars bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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1 minute ago, Lucas-fgm said:

This chart is so non sense. There are many statistics showing that women for example have way more chances of being liberal, for example.

It's a chart about who is more likely to be vaccinated. It isn't a chart about men and women. That's just one of the demographics they tested.

But it's structured in a confusing way. 

It's saying that the average Biden voter is 20% more likely than average to get vaccinated. And concurrently it shows that the average Trump voter is 10% less likely than average to get vaccinated. So, the average Biden voter is 30% more likely than the average Trump voter to get vaccinated. 

So, the statistics about men and women are the women tend to get the vaccine at a rate that reflects the national average (no more, no less), whereas men are 5% more likely than average to get the vaccine. 

This means, that men are statistically 5% more likely to get vaccinated than women. Honestly, it's kind of a margin of error thing.

That means, the chart is probably pretty accurate... albeit structured in a confusing way.

But the meaning that the OP derived from the chart is coming from a misunderstanding of the chart. I think he read it to mean that women don't get the vaccine at all because there's no arrow on their statistic. But the arrow just shows deviation from the average.  

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If anything this shows just how insignificant the difference is. Every other delta on that chart is of higher significance.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

If anything this shows just how insignificant the difference is. Every other delta on that chart is of higher significance.

He misread the chart, I'm sure. 

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Can this be locked I don't care about it I just wanted to see if Leo would react in a biased way. 

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