
Affirmations Are Useless

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I have just came to this realisation.

I have done affirmations for increasing my sense of humour and removing shyness for 6 months continuous every single day and I have found out that little has changed in terms with interacting with people. So why is it that Leo said that doing these would be life changing even though they haven't changed my life at all? I still feel like the same as I ever was around people. And I only missed 2 days of affirmations while doing  for 6 months.

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It's the only thing you did regarding the issues? I would think they are very beneficial when combined with Actual active practice.

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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@Leo Gura Would like your thoughts also, on affirmations/visualisations/law of attraction. Do affirmations work for enlightenment? My guess is no because enlightenment isn't something you believe or attain. Second, do you think it's easier disposing positive beliefs over negative beliefs?? I'm reading books on law of attraction and they basically tell you ways to tune your thought process and beliefs into positive more conducive ones. Personally, I subconsciously hold many negative beliefs eg. ( My communication sucks, my english sucks, i'm shy, anxious, and not very attractive , I'm a dull person to be around, not very knowledgable).... Right now I'm dedicated 100% to truth-realization, mainly through meditative self-inquiry, and it's a long grueling process which I don't think i'll find anytime soon. Do you think it's worth it for me to spend time on affirmations converting certain beliefs I hold? Am I taking a detour by doing this?? 

Edited by Kserkkj

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Yeah i tried affirmations for confidence and the effect was only subtle and very temporary at best. Visualisations on the other hand are ridiculously powerful for self image. I used the self acceptance visualisation and got hugh gains in self love/esteem, confidence and not caring what others think of me.

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I did both confidence and humor affirmations for about two months and had already started noticing an improvement.  Jokes seemed to be popping into my head in social situations without much effort.  Confidence improvement has been difficult to determine so far.  If something feels very high stress or is going to be a real pain then my confidence is shaken on whether I'll be able to do it effectively or that it'll blow up in my face.

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Ross I may be able to solve this for you :D 

i had the same problem pretty much after implementing this video I was able to fix it, remember visualisation/affirmation needs to be fun, that's when you know it's gonna be effective.

Watch this video he explains why it's probably not working for you


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Before I talk about affirmation I want to speak about I think is most important/beneficial.

First, realizing oneness. This is a process most effectively done by giving up the ego and sitting in stillness, being mindful, self-inquiry. Concentration practices, devotional prayer, selfless service etc. may also help or lay groundwork for letting go. Affirmations could also fit in there as a concentration practice: 'I am one', 'I am love' etc.

I also find that feeling 'as if' I am everyone and everything and feeling going into the oneness is expanding my consciousness.

Second is emotional purification. This comes naturally when you open up your consciousness, your shit simply starts to bubble up into your awareness, all you have to do is let go of blocking it and you will feel and cry it out. Perhaps deep insights may also almost cut away tensions.  What also helps is practicing love (also goes for realizing #1), actively looking for tensions/blocks in the body, going back to childhood (this guided meditation I find really cool, talking with other people openly and just looking within and being honest and open to yourself. Of course many things can work, dancing, psychedelics, sex etc. Same goes for #1. Do and explore what you feel attracted to and excited about.

Being a positive balanced persona. This absolutely comes naturally from #1 and #2 in a very effective manner so this is a secondary optional practice, but perhaps very helpful still. Techniques include consistently choosing positive constructive actions, thoughts and words.

Affirmations are very relevant now, as every thought you have really affects your mind. You can observe this very clearly on cannabis, but it should be clearly noticeable without it as well, I also found the trick is that you use things that you deep down know and thus also belief on some level, indeed 'I AM FUNNY' could be one (you've had funny moments, you can have them again, you were naturally funny as a kid, perhaps you forgot it now, but YOU ARE!), same goes for 'I AM AWESOME' (you are life expressing itself, can't get more awesome than that), or 'I AM BELOVED' (you are by God and also by anyone with a clear mind).

Say them continuously, repeat it end on end with chosen conviction and I think you will start to feel it's truth and excitement within minutes, or perhaps within hours or maybe it even takes longer depending how much resistance you still carry around.

It all works, really well, just take the actions consistently, do not give up and find the others. Peace. <3


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