
Spirituality making me suicidal

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Whats up, spirituality is making suicidal and all these airy.fairy videos just aren't useful for life, so I'm going stop.going on here and listening to Leo's teachings till September 1st. I am just to go being focusing on my career trying to be productive. I also got some key pointers for Leo and anyone else whose trying to be a teacher. Teach more skills to people, dont just talk for hours on end about some overly theoretical religious study. People need skills, not overly theoretical jargon. For all you school teachers teach the kids fucking skills goddamn it, no overly theoretical nonsense. So yeah. I'm tired of all you know it Alls trying to act like your better than me. YOUR GOING TO LEARN SOME FUCKING RESPECT!

Edited by diamondpenguin

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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Spirituality is the least theoretical thing.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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I've felt where you're at before @diamondpenguin, but you don't gotta lash out at others. They are only trying to help. Remember this entire enterprise is based around what level Leo is at and what he wants to teach. Don't feel obligated to "keep up". If you aren't there right now, you aren't there, it's that simple. I don't even watch his video anymore personally.

Absolutely go focus on what's more immediate for your own life. Spirituality is important but you have to have your base first, otherwise you won't be able to appreciate, utilize, or embody it fully.

It will always be there for when you're ready to come back :)


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@Roy @dflores321 Thanks guys, you all are true saints of the work. Its probably wise to stop watching Leo's stuff altogether. I'll probably end up picking it back up in a few years, but I gotta focus on my life purpose instead. "Wielding my creative vision to bring love to people's hearts." So yeah I'm doing like 3d modeling. 

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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@diamondpenguin at least some people wake up. it’s weird how this higher technology stuff is what probably initially brought you here and at the same time what will also help you out. you are closer to the understanding of what dreams are made of but at the same time at a source where you create dreams that seem untouchable.

there are touchable metalevels to that - it’s not that you learned that here but you are seeing its shadow.

me, too.

Edited by mememe

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@eaaaeaeae the bad stuff also comes along with life - sometimes we get more trapped through avoidance and this does not have to do anything with ourselves. well it has, trapped is trapped or hooked is hooked. so the question is more about what is making it a trapp to also then get out of it again - this is a phenomenon, so its not a virtual abstract model but sth of more substance. 

my english is getting better here by the way. so i can’t see black and white leaning towards too much blues.

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@diamondpenguin there is a lot of darkness on this forum and in Leo's teachings that sometimes we forget the more positive side to spirituality. Not to get too airy fairy. 

Follow me on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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@eaaaeaeae u should take what is useful,discard what is useless and adapt.if leo does not resonate with u thats fine.search other teachers.

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@diamondpenguin Guess what. Spirituality and 3D modeling go together and they complement each other. Speaking from direct experience :D

Anyway, Leo has already stressed many times that ideally you should have the basic survival needs handled before you engage in 'advanced' spiritual territories (psychedelics, God, Love, etc).

No matter where you're at, you can always find balance. You don't need to listen to lots of theory about God and Love when you're struggling in your career. Maybe establish a daily meditation practise and improve your 3D skills at the same time. Meditation which is creativity, calmness, silence actually improve your ability to create awesome 3D stuff.

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4 hours ago, nistake said:

Anyway, Leo has already stressed many times that ideally you should have the basic survival needs handled before you engage in 'advanced' spiritual territories (psychedelics, God, Love, etc).

almost no one really has that ? you’ll meet people over 90 who still would struggle if they would be spiritually that much confronted in a short period of time even though you could say the probably must have handled their basic survival need, if not they wouldn’t have gotten that old. 

you just don’t know what’s lurking in your shadow or in the shadow of someone else, its like a force of nature (well it is one as long as we are part of nature) even though some of it is human made and therefore artificial and not aligned with what nature would do if we lived a more natural life.

being aware that life is highly artificial its almost impossible anyone really mastered their basic survival in the sense of what that means in a stage beige real life setting.

Edited by mememe

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