PsychedSubstance is Taking Steroids for No Good Reason

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Apparently PsychedSubstance has been suffering from some very mild low Testosterone symptoms that may have been caused by his Kratom abuse over the years. He is not considering stopping the Kratom because that would him make him miserable & unproductive for weeks.

He checked his testosterone levels and they were all within the ''normal'' range, although to the very low side. He is now injecting testosterone prescribed by his doctor. These doctors are really funny because some will prescribe you with testosterone while others won't even if you give them the same blood tests.

Anyways the problem i have with this is the following : I think he is just creating another problem to solve a problem. His problem is probably the Kratom and not the low T. He is influencing other people with the mentality ''if i have low T, then i guess i need to inject some testosterone''. And i believe he hasn't thought through for all the possible consequences and pitfalls especially when he is much older.

I have been involved with steroids and powerlifting and i have experience with this new trend of trt. Basically trt (testosterone replacement therapy) is very new. We don't even 100 year old studies on this stuff. We don't know how it can affect your prostate and etc  when you are old.

This new trend i am talking about is this myth that if you are over 40 or have low T, then immediately you should do yourself a favor and inject oil to your buttocks for the rest of your life. Maybe you have seen some doctors from trt clinics advising you this kind of stuff because they profit from this.

This is absurd. Of course there are many people who would benefit from injecting testosterone BUT i see more and more people taking it for no good reason like PsychedSubstance. 

I believe PsychedSubtance has been heavily influenced by another heavy steroid user and Stage Orange youtuber over the last few weeks, More Plates More Dates his name is.


Edited by SQAAD

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Bro who cares.

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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4 hours ago, SQAAD said:

He checked his testosterone levels and they were all within the ''normal'' range, although to the very low side. 

Just because it's in the normal range doesn't mean it's optimal. 

But yea he should stop the kratom for a while before testing his levels. 

2 hours ago, Flowerfaeiry said:

Bro who cares.

You don't care probably because you're female. 

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Joe Rogan takes HGH. So yeah, people do silly things.

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7 hours ago, SQAAD said:

He is not considering stopping the Kratom because that would him make him miserable & unproductive for weeks.

Incorrect, he is planning to stop kratom, as he said multiple times, and now he has.

7 hours ago, SQAAD said:

He checked his testosterone levels and they were all within the ''normal'' range, although to the very low side

Normal range for women!


7 hours ago, SQAAD said:

And i believe he hasn't thought through for all the possible consequences and pitfalls especially when he is much older.

Like which ones?


7 hours ago, SQAAD said:

We don't know how it can affect your prostate and etc  when you are old.

I see your point, but if we don't know, then it comes down to a personal choice of risk/reward profile.

Whether to experiment on oneself or not.

Could be good. Could be bad. Could be a mix.

Edited by flowboy

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7 hours ago, SQAAD said:

Anyways the problem i have with this is the following : I think he is just creating another problem to solve a problem. His problem is probably the Kratom and not the low T. He is influencing other people with the mentality ''if i have low T, then i guess i need to inject some testosterone''. And i believe he hasn't thought through for all the possible consequences and pitfalls especially when he is much older.

Get over it. People’s motivations don’t need to confine to what you think they should be based on your preconceptions of what is a “good reason” and not. 


7 hours ago, SQAAD said:

We don't even 100 year old studies on this stuff.

Newsflash: “long term studies” for any pharmaceutical is 6 months. There are no 100 year long studies for anything. 


7 hours ago, SQAAD said:

Maybe you have seen some doctors from trt clinics advising you this kind of stuff because they profit from this.

Yeah? How do you know. People can also have greater physical performance and capabilities than they would otherwise. 


7 hours ago, SQAAD said:

i see more and more people taking it for no good reason like PsychedSubstance. 


Yeah? Who is the one that draws the line of what is and is not a good reason?… 

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I think he went to a clinic that Derek established from More Plates More Dates. I can't entirely agree with everything Derek says, especially on diet longevity. Still, he has a lot of comprehensive knowledge and even many anecdotal experiences with pharmacologically influencing hormones when it comes to endocrinology. So PsychedSubstance is in good hands. Derek has vetted a team of doctors to make sure they are not just your average doc who will monitor him to make sure that nothing goes wrong, like permanently shutting down endogenous production. Keep in my mind most people who run into serious problems with steroid/anabolics use the worst kinds like synthetic androgens like Trenbolone acetate, for example, which is neurotoxic. Whilst testosterone can actually be neuroprotective, especially if you do not ingest super-physiological amounts. How it is administered and the frequency plays a huge role in minimizing side effects; if you blast every two weeks, you will run into more problems than someone who takes small doses every few days or so because that will reflect the pulsatile nature of how endogenous androgens work naturally in the body.


But yeah, I agree, this should be as a last resort after behavioral/environmental/nutritional strategies fail.

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11 hours ago, SQAAD said:

We don't know how it can affect your prostate and etc  when you are old.

This would be my main concern with TRT, anabolic steroids, HGH agonists and anything that works on HPO pathway. Basically there is some research (albeit inconclusive) that excess testosterone, synthetic or natural may increase how much DHT is being produced and in post-pubertal age that DHT may attach to androgen receptors in prostate excessively and make it grow. The first line of prostate cancer treatment are blockers of testosterone-> DHT conversion so this is a known issue. We also have research that shows women on HRT have increase risk of heart disease (and some inconclusive research for men on TRT as well). These protocols are not super safe like we tend to think

Couldn't give an f about muscle knowing that i might be diagnosed with prostate cancer 30 years later. Life without huge muscle is tolerable but life without prostate after radical prostatectomy sux and you can wave goodbye to erection, sex life and not needing extra pants at night. And that is if you are lucky that the tumours are localised and not spread to for example lungs and bones. 

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Don't understand the issue.  I don't understand why more men 40+ don't take trt.

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On 29/7/2021 at 3:17 AM, AtheisticNonduality said:

This is photoshopped obviously. It's hilarious though.

Screen Shot 2021-07-15 at 12.32.35 PM.jpg


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@Leo Gura

On 29/7/2021 at 8:02 AM, Leo Gura said:

Joe Rogan takes HGH. So yeah, people do silly things.

Joe Rogan works for Dana White and the UFC. That pretty much explains it all.




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On 29/7/2021 at 9:18 AM, flowboy said:

Incorrect, he is planning to stop kratom, as he said multiple times, and now he has.

 Incorrect not. He said it himself in one of his videos. I don't keep track of what decisions he is taking every single day.  He has quit kratom countess times so far. His reasoning basically was ''let me start trt so i can quit kratom''. 


On 29/7/2021 at 9:18 AM, flowboy said:

Normal range for women

 That would be 10 times lower.


On 29/7/2021 at 9:18 AM, flowboy said:

Like which ones?

@flowboy Increased risk of detecting subclinical prostate cancer,  growth of metastatic prostate cancer, erythrocytosis which can lead to blood clots and complications.  Still there are many others that we don't know since trt is very very very new.

When you inject testosterone is doesn't have the same affect on your body compared to someone who produces their own testosterone.  It may be the same compound but still quite different effects. It messes up your body chemistry.  Your body would never produce 100% testosterone all the time for example. It would be higher in the morning and lower towards the day.


On 29/7/2021 at 9:18 AM, flowboy said:


I see your point, but if we don't know, then it comes down to a personal choice of risk/reward profile.

Whether to experiment on oneself or not.

Could be good. Could be bad. Could be a mix.

Yes it a personal choice. I just believe PsychedSubtance made a rush decision about this that he may regret few years from now. He obviously loves muscles & working out. I can understand that.

Personally i have used testosterone as well. But i was dumb and stupid. If i knew better i would never touch anything. I would only do so if it was absolutely necessary.

In his case , obviously it wasn't necessary. He could resolve the Kratom issue, and see if his testosterone levels return back. His life was still pretty manageable before starting trt.

Edited by SQAAD

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On 29/7/2021 at 9:24 AM, kieranperez said:


Newsflash: “long term studies” for any pharmaceutical is 6 months. There are no 100 year long studies for anything. 


I don't know if there are long term studies nowadays. My point is that when trt will be around for 100 years then we will have 100 years worth of research around it and a better picture. Trt is basically a newborn baby.

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On 29/7/2021 at 9:24 AM, kieranperez said:

Get over it. People’s motivations don’t need to confine to what you think they should be based on your preconceptions of what is a “good reason” and not. 



Yeah? How do you know. People can also have greater physical performance and capabilities than they would otherwise. 


Yeah? Who is the one that draws the line of what is and is not a good reason?… 

Dude you are completely missing the point. I know from 1st hand experience.Who is the one thar draws the line between good and bad reasons? Myself ofcourse.

People's motivations is the best criteria to judge them. When i see someone on YouTube being irresponsible and influencing thousands of other kids who will be doing the same sh*t 5 years from now , then of course i am gonna criticize that.

It would be better if he came out and said something like 


''After contemplating for months or even years to start using steroids, i finally found a valid enough reason to start injecting oil to my buttocks. My new friend and fellow steroid user, More Plates More Dates, says this is a good idea and has provided me with all these good reasons to start trt. Also i love working out and building muscles. I wonder how better my phyique will be now with steroids. The Kratom and the low T were just the Perfect excuses that i needed. I could probably resolve my Low T without taking steroids but i am not gonna miss this great opportunity. My friend tells me its fine and i need this" 

Instead of what he said here

PsychedSubstance can do whatever he wants. But he is a public figure. He is gonna get criticized. You can judge my criticisms of him as valid or invalid. But at the end of the day, everyone will have their own preconceptions about what is good or bad.


Edited by SQAAD

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53 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

Dude you are completely missing the point. I know from 1st hand experience.

What was your experience? 

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2 hours ago, SQAAD said:

This is why you should not use psychedelics and other chemicals chronically. You can screw up the balance of your system.

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I kind of think psyched substance is immature and not the best role model for psyhedelics

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