
How to extract value from novels and movies not meant for self-actualization?

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How does one extract value from common media not meant for self improvement? Is it even possible? I find my self feeling a little bit anxious worrying that every movie, book, articles and even videos that are not quite obviously providing valuable knowledge are not (as) worth going through .

I know that when talking about mainstream stuff you get into a horribly wide selection of content; from great literary masterpieces to cheaply made movies. But has anyone tried to extract and squeeze out value? Of course the better quality the media the better/easier. If something isn’t quite as insightful but still enjoyed for entertainment purposes should it be consumed cautiously? Also, I know that something can have tremendous artistic value but does it outweigh the lack of insight? Does it have to be outweighed?

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@Alfonsoo As your awareness expands you will have a keener intuition to help you discern truth. I have much less interest in television and films than I had in the past. I can still enjoy it as entertainment though. You can find nuggets of wisdom and truth in mainstream media. I wouldn't try to squeeze a lot of self-actualization value out of it though. Just enjoy it for what it is. 

Edited by Matthew85

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There are always tons of stuff to extract. Even from a bad movie, you can learn how NOT to shoot a movie, how to use better lighting, better stability in camera. Use better plot etc.


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5 hours ago, Alfonsoo said:

But has anyone tried to extract and squeeze out value?

That seems like a low-value activity in itself.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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You could use those forms of media to expand your critical thinking skills on how characters relate to one another and how they relate to broader themes in the story. You could use it to expand your empathy and imagination which fiction is really good for. You could use it to explore your own emotions as well. 

Those are the first things that pop up in my mind. Overall, just let yourself be and enjoy things. You don't have to be hype fixated on growth and actualization to derive valuable experiences. 

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@Alfonsoo I mean my recommendations are skewed towards my own tastes but personally I like anime, watching commentary youtube videos, astrology and tarot readings, listening to music, and looking at a shit ton of memes. Tbh, I'm not much of a fiction person. I'm just listing out things that I find entertaining and that I find value even though there isn't a direct link between it and self development.  Honestly, I don't think it would be helpful for me to give specific recommendations. I think it's better to allow yourself to go towards what you feel drawn towards and let yourself explore from there. 

I liked the perspective on these videos a lot. 


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How do you extract value? Simply fucking enjoy it.

Don't try to look for value to extract. Not everything needs to do with self improvement/actualization.

Follow what you really want in your heart. If you want to watch that movie or read that book then read it. Allow yourself without trying to leech something from it. Give yourself to it. This is perhaps the more "spiritual" thing.

Letting go of that need to get self help advice will let you immerse more in the story, and the value you're getting, in a sense, is letting yourself enjoy. You're freeing your mind from this belief things need to serve you.

Flow with the immersion.

If it's hard for you I would highly recommend the "Do Nothing" meditation technique.

It surely helped me let go more.

Wish you all the best.

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