
More advance look at semen retention.

7 posts in this topic

Although its a classic "Spiral Dynamics - Stage Orange" topic, semen retention is hardly mentioned here. Even though most of the members of Actualized.org are males. 
Its such a powerful tool, if you know when and how to do it properly. 

Everyone should be familiar with the benefits of semen retention such as increased focus, less sleepiness, better skin and better physical performance. Especially if you waste your semen regularly these effects can become extreme.
Of course good diet and regular fitness plays into that aswell, but even with perfect diet and fitness i can get myself into massive sleepiness with PMO in no time. Trust me, I tested it hundreds of times.

However to get really the most out of this practice, we have to look at some negative aspects in order to truly gain massive physical and mental gains. Its not enough to just force yourself into it. 
The most common trap of NoFap is that it can decrease your focus and attention span, because you have to think too much about sex. 
This mostly happens to guys, who believe semen retention alone will save their messed up life. They focus too much on "being on their streak" and therefor are prone to relapse after some days of non-stop thinking about PMO (porn, masturbation, orgasm).
This is what i see mostly on r/NoFap or other semen retention forums. Its a never ending story. 

So my goal is, to make the topic more advanced and powerful here. 

So my top advice for a succesful NoFap practice is to get rid of "void time", which is not purposfully used for any meaningful activity. Because in this unconscious "not doingness" your male brain, will most likely come up with every kind of sexual thoughts and fantasies. 
Even little sexual thoughts have this avalanche effect, which sooner or later lead to a relapse. PMO is a product of the unobserved male brain. 

So really ground yourself in an activity, which occupies your "thought machine" to produce meaningful and creative products. Therefor your default male instincts won't kick you into PMO homeostasis again. 
And if you got nothing to do right now, than be conscious of "this nothing to do". Unconsciousness is the number one reason for every kind of addiction. For us men, especially in regards of PMO. 

Everyone of you should've noticed how quite your sexual brain is, when you engage in deep work or in your favorite hobby. 

Summary and take-away: Stop trying to get a NoFap streak. Find meaningful activities, which fill out random unconscious time. 
Unconscious time is the number one reason for your brain to produce sexual thoughts, therefore keep you in a PMO habit.

Edited by Vynce
spelling error

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Thank you for posting this. It's an important message.

Obsessing over the "streak" and being on NoFap forums is definitely a trap, and a sure way to continue the endless cycle of failure, judgment and self-flagellation, that these "nofap" people enjoy so much. (Oh yes, they enjoy this game a lot! Although they aren't conscious of it)

Finding meaningful activities to channel the newfound energy into, which would otherwise spill into a tissue paper, is essential indeed.


I'd like to add that aiming to completely cut out masturbation, is setting yourself up to fail. (especially if you don't have a regular sex life with a partner)

Rather, I'm a proponent of something called "tantric masturbation", where you are giving your sexual side its due attention, enjoy the sensations, give yourself pleasure, but steer clear of ejaculating.

Easier to do without porn.

In practice I recommend to steer clear of all masturbation and porn for 3 weeks to break the addiction.

Then carefully introduce some tantric masturbation, where the goal is not to cum, but to enjoy until satisfied, whilst keeping your semen. It's very doable. Once a week can be enough, since it shouldn't be a coping mechanism to deal with uncomfortable feelings anymore, but just a healthy self-care practice.

Never allowing yourself to masturbate, is asking for an ego backlash.

It means to never allow yourself to decouple sexuality from ejaculation. Which is ultimately key. Because sexuality won't let itself be repressed indefinitely, no sir^_^.

I've recently been able to even "come" without ejaculating, just letting the energy flow back up the spine. It's definitely not a beginner thing, I've been doing semen retention on and off for years.

But it is possible, and knowing that is important, so you really aren't missing anything, giving up ejaculation. There is no satisfaction that you're missing out on, that can't be had another way. With some practice.

Edited by flowboy

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@flowboy Thats interesting. I mean the part of no ejaculating while still having an orgasm. Did this happen to you by accident, or was there a specific technique involved?

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@Vynce It's something that developed slowly. First, it started happening when I was having sex with my partner without ejaculating. At first, it didn't feel quite like an orgasm. And now after the longest time, it happened while just masturbating. Being extremely relaxed and loose in the spine, I could let the energy flow up the spine in a pleasurable wave that feels satisfying, and "resets" my built-up sensitivity so that I can go longer again.

There are some tantric practices that have definitely helped.

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I totally agree that it's a powerful tool that's often overlooked. I mean, who wouldn't want increased focus, better skin, and better physical performance? And let's not forget the added benefit of saving some money on tissues, am I right?

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I've learned to do non ejaculation orgasms that even give me energy. Semen Retention is a one way track to God mode 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

Lions Heart YouTube

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