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The Social Matrix: great episode

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My biggest frustration with society has always been the sense of everyone just looking out for themselves. While listening to this episode I had a deep recognition of this irritation simply being a reflection of my own sense of self interest. It was like something popped and all of a sudden society started feeling less rigid and more dreamlike. Thanks Leo. I do sometimes wonder though if you are not underestimating the awakening happening on this planet. The mere fact that someone like you has a million subscribers is a miracle in itself. Somehow my intuition says that big positive changes are going to happen much sooner than a thousand years from now. Surely Reality itself is more powerful and intelligent than man's selfishness. (and I don't feel that chips in the brain need to play any significant part in such a future). ps I posted this topic in the enlightenment section because somehow it feels more relevant here. Lastly, I am curious as to what might be an example of a thought which is outside the social matrix. Seems like any thought we might have will still be linked in some subtle way to creating a more loving society. 


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