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The Wolf reminds the Deer of what it is

2 posts in this topic

The Wolf is not a hero.

It is not strength, leadership or beauty.

The wolf is not a manipulator or abuser.

The wolf is not perseverance.

The wolf is not climbing the ranks alone.

The wolf is not success in groups or alone.

It does not stand for any of it.

You are not the wolf. 

The deer's grace and peacefulness and wickedness came with a denial. One that was forgotten by the deer for the deer to be a deer.

The wolf is not a natural predator keeping the ecosystem at balance.

It is an inevitable manifestation of the deer's denial, chasing it like your shadow chases you. 

With its kills, bringing the deer into a whole again. That is why it was made that predators die when prey ceases to exist.

Edited by Windappreciator

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