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I have no clue

It happened to me holy shit

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Holy shit leo it happened to me a full blown loss of who I am it's like me as a human no longer exists but me as a consciousness does in the human body 



I'm experiencing universal consciousness now am really finding it hard coming down to the level of every one around me 

But I wanna let them know that this exists without them thinking I've completely lost it 


I seriously think I have at this point

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"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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When everyone around you is insane, sanity seems like insanity ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura  daym I feel super lost yet found at the same time it literally came to a point that i had to scoop low to human consciousness when speaking to people I thought I was having a full on manic episode lol  

It's all a great big hallucination daym 


How do I move forward from this? 

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@Leo Gura is there more to realise in this 3d material existence or does it stop with this I'm just 21 and am from India psychedelics are illegal here and those who do get them get them only to party or fuck up. I was into meditation and psycedelics for spiritual purposes and I would watch your videos but I never truly understood the profound meaning behind the stuff you said 

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Welcome to the forum. ❤

And thank you for sharing your experience.

I feel like writing this down rn... here are some pointers that came to mind today.

Consciousness is Oneness. Infinity

It's infinite as in -- ▪what the form can appear as (Everything=Something=Everything) (so not only that Infinite Form/Everything is infinite ---> but *Every* *Thing*/experience is infinite as well not just *Everything*).

So every thing and everything are One(Same).

▪Therefore Everything is INFINITY itself not just infinite, which is identical to Some Thing that is infinite.

▪And it's the same here --> 'Formlessness'/No...Thing/No Experience/No Dream (which is as well infinite)•pointer -- No...Thing=Awareness•
Thus Everything & No...thing are one. They are identical.
It's nondual.

Your direct experience & No thing/Awareness/Formlessness are One.

What I meant by Form here....--> Conscious direct experience. Which is identical to Something&Everything.
You are this Conscious Direct Experience and Awareness/No thing at the same time. They are identical.


And time is part of your dream.

So at the same time = The eternal Now.
Because time is being experienced as Some Thing/Experience/dreamed up.

Past & future = Now

• Now = Awareness/Emptiness/'No Thing Ness'

Which is • Everything

The relative & the Absolute are one.

They are 'both' infinite. If they are infinite they are One and the same as Absolute Infinity. 

Once they get recognized as such You 'find yourself'.

Because you are that which cannot be ever forgotten. No-thing/Everything experiencing this right now.

But the 'glass' must empty itself out first(of content) to recognize that both That --> where direct experience is occuring/Awareness and 'direct experience' are One.

Direct experience is one with Awareness so Consciousness is equally/absolutely/infinitely both Direct Experience and Awareness. They are identical.

This is why you cannot find 'the answer' anywhere else but in your direct experience. This is it! This right here.



Peace & Bless




Edited by Anahata

"Words mean something because they point to meaning beyond themselves."



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