John Iverson

Is Physical Evolution Finished?

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Sadhguru said that our Physical evolution is already finish that what humanity is leading towrds is Spiritual evolution, i believe that somehow we could still change our physical appearance . We could evolve our appearance that will blur what we call human.. so what do you think? In the far far future you think humans will evolve to something new? Like how Lizard evolve in to human being? And human being will evolve into something extraordinary new?

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It's definitely not finished. We change, we're growing bones on the back of our heads because we use extensively our phones. We're getting more and more hairless, as our testosterones levels drops, less strong physically. The size of our heads are expanding, our fingers and arms are getting longer, as our butts are getting lower. We're going to look the typical grey alien figure we're all used to see.

And then, is there really a line between biological evolution and the technological one? Not really. Implants, transplants, genetics... It's all moving, much faster than ever, as our environment is getting more complex. Even psychology is part of the process, thoughts are written in DNA, we're literally forming people with higher education, biologically more fit to study and elaborate information. And ultimately, spiritual evolution as well is not separated from biological evolution. Sadhguru might have intended that we're materially fit, powerful enough to thrive, but spiritually, metaphysically, unfit and undeveloped. so that's where we should be heading now. But it's indeed one single big process: once lower needs are satisfied new possibilities emerge.

Edited by Andrea Marchetti

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Natural selection is always a fact as long as people are reproducing. It's simply that human culture and technological innovation has allowed for more artificial selection.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Evolution of DNA occurs constantly. Read the book Evolution 2.0. Good read.  

If you don't use it you will lose it. Things we can expect... weaker immune systems from being in more sanitary environments, more pale, easy to burn skin from more time inside and use of sunscreens, changes in the shapes of our feet due to the use of shoes, and likely more and more loss of hair over time as we don't spend lots of time in cold environments outside. Larger brains and higher IQs over time.  Better control of our animal impulses over time, as they are no longer necessary to propagate the species to the degree they were.   We'll also likely lose our keen senses over time as we spend less time requiring them for survival.  All this changes if we start to genetically engineer though... or even if all we did was copy the DNA of modern humans to preserve a lot of our positive traits like our acute senses. 100 years from now we'll likely be able to customize our children with any variety of traits.

DNA is really just complex computer code created by some intelligence we are not aware of.

Edited by sholomar

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