
I want to become more Selfish

99 posts in this topic

Tapping into the experience of pure joy and inspiration is the most selfish and also the most giving thing you could ever do. It's both at once. Oooohhh, it's magic. It's too good to be true. 

When you feel great, you appreciate people, and you show it. Coincidently, that's what people want most, to be appreciated. When you love something you teach it with enthusiasm, you master it, innovate it, share it. 

Whether you want to be completely selfless or completely selfish the answer is the same. Feel great. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@dflores321 like I told you that your answer is doing me no favor.


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10 minutes ago, dflores321 said:

@Preety_India you already are selfish, every single thing you do is selfish. 

This applies to everyone ^ . 

I'd suggest just noticing all the selfish acts.

sorry but it sounds so much like an excuse and ego trap - i wonder if you ever get into conflicts with that view. but hey if you can do the mind math everytime then, congratulations, sounds less impractical than the dual version. it‘s like what all sages teach: be selfish every day a bit more. or so (can’t be right, can it) i know some people like to get ultimatively nondual with one or the other.


i‘m checking out some brainstorming methods - would that be a start? maybe it would be a good start to contemplate what more specifically you’d like to get more selfish about.

Edited by mememe

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1 minute ago, mememe said:

i‘m checking out some brainstorming methods - would that be a start?

Yes definitely.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Michael569 I never pretended that I'm not. Please. Read the says I want to be more selfish. That means I'm already selfish but I still have problems.

If I don't resonate with your perspective, fine please leave me alone. There are other people helping me.

I already stated clearly that I want practical suggestions and not some spiritual lecture

I don't want to engage Answers that don't help me at all.

I'm here to ask for help on my issue, not listening to some unhelpful lecture


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@Preety_India fair enough i'll delete my answer. I apologise if it came up as too preaching, that was not the intention.

There were practical suggestions btw, but maybe not appropriate at this time so retracting that response. 

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@Michael569 no problem, it’s really about this pressure into a personality who should always care. without defining where energy can also sometimes be spent to reach own goals. one part is probably time management.

i‘m really having similar problems in these aspects.

Edited by mememe

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2 minutes ago, mememe said:

@Michael569 no problem, it’s really about this pressure into a personality who should always care. without defining where energy can also sometimes be spent to reach own goals. one part is probably time management.

i‘m really having similar problems in these aspects.

True. I'm facing similar things.

I wish there was a manual.

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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1 minute ago, Preety_India said:

True. I'm facing similar things.

I wish there was a manual.


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@Preety_India Stop doing spiritual work. 

Stop consuming spiritual material. 

Stop coming here. 

Then, get lazy and leave everything to last minute. Do this temporary to create a sense of emergency. 

Consume alot of data and think alot in whatever you want. Non spiritual. 

Get into a challenging enviornment. Somewhere that may threaten your identity. 

Then after some of your identity has been threaten, you will get mad and your survival instinct will rise. It will make you fall more into the illusion of survival without you even realizing it. Then you will want to stand up for your self survival, cuz if not you will be exploited. Then, if you rise, you will be prideful and will want to make yourself a priority in life. You will care alot less about people and their opinions. You will be one pointed reach goal minded. This will create layers of energy within that create an armored ego. From this ignorance, confidence is born. People may start to look up to you. Your esteem will then start to rise higher. And this is how ego identity is created in plain words. 

It takes time. But it will occur faster than the blink of an eye. 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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start learning machiavellianism. it has a steep learning curve more learning curve than self help. the 3 books that are the foundation or bible are
1) the prince by nicolo machiavelli
2) 48 laws of power
3) 33 strategies of war

read this book. contemplate the shit out of it.contemplate 5 min on this topic every single day.
also if you can accept some racism against woman check this blog

the above blog is the meta on how to be a machiavellian .it has article about how to apply 48 laws, redpill philosophies etc. its the most hardcore i could find. also its 10/10 racist against woman. if you can tolerate it then u will be rewarded.

machiavellianism is a hobby ,a skill. u need to love your process of becoming a machiavellian.why? because in india people are in between red and orange.people are fucking toxic.u need machiavellianism to survive in india.the amount of people who self actualize is very very rare. i bet this is true in every 3rd world county.

also there is a book by robert green which many people say as his master piece , which is more power ful than the book i mentioned called laws of human nature. it is neutral, politicaly correct. i didnot read it fully. but is said to be an apprenticeship in social intelligence. go check that out first.i think u need to start reading laws of human nature by greene. then go read illmitable men, then the books i mentioned above after that contemplate 5 min every single day on this topic. in 7-10 years if u work daily on this topic then u will be amazed at ur is said by greene that doing machiavellianism in the long run is immensly satisfying. it is as good as doing self help.of course it will take 7-10m years

now u should analyze and list your non abusive, good , kind harted friends. then isolate yourself.cut off from society. interact with ur chosen friends only. wait 7-10 years for your machiavellian skills to develop. then enter that time u will turn into a mercenary capable of dealing with every wierd shit the corrupt people and society throw to u.

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@dflores321  please I told you that your answers aren't helping me. You're not the only one on the forum. There are other users too. Maybe their answers are helping me.

If you don't like my questions, then go answer other people's questions that might gain some benefit from your answer. 

My question night not resonate with you. And your answer definitely doesn't resonate with me.



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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8 minutes ago, Kalki Avatar said:

Get into a challenging enviornment. Somewhere that may threaten your identity. 

This can be very helpful exercise.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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9 minutes ago, asifarahim said:

start learning machiavellianism. it has a steep learning curve more learning curve than self help. the 3 books that are the foundation or bible are
1) the prince by nicolo machiavelli
2) 48 laws of power
3) 33 strategies of war

read this book. contemplate the shit out of it.contemplate 5 min on this topic every single day.
also if you can accept some racism against woman check this blog

the above blog is the meta on how to be a machiavellian .it has article about how to apply 48 laws, redpill philosophies etc. its the most hardcore i could find. also its 10/10 racist against woman. if you can tolerate it then u will be rewarded.

machiavellianism is a hobby ,a skill. u need to love your process of becoming a machiavellian.why? because in india people are in between red and orange.people are fucking toxic.u need machiavellianism to survive in india.the amount of people who self actualize is very very rare. i bet this is true in every 3rd world county.

also there is a book by robert green which many people say as his master piece , which is more power ful than the book i mentioned called laws of human nature. it is neutral, politicaly correct. i didnot read it fully. but is said to be an apprenticeship in social intelligence. go check that out first.i think u need to start reading laws of human nature by greene. then go read illmitable men, then the books i mentioned above after that contemplate 5 min every single day on this topic. in 7-10 years if u work daily on this topic then u will be amazed at ur is said by greene that doing machiavellianism in the long run is immensly satisfying. it is as good as doing self help.of course it will take 7-10m years

now u should analyze and list your non abusive, good , kind harted friends. then isolate yourself.cut off from society. interact with ur chosen friends only. wait 7-10 years for your machiavellian skills to develop. then enter that time u will turn into a mercenary capable of dealing with every wierd shit the corrupt people and society throw to u.

This is really helpful especially those book references.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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12 minutes ago, Kalki Avatar said:

@Preety_India Stop doing spiritual work. 

Stop consuming spiritual material. 

Stop coming here. 

Then, get lazy and leave everything to last minute. Do this temporary to create a sense of emergency. 

Consume alot of data and think alot in whatever you want. Non spiritual. 

Get into a challenging enviornment. Somewhere that may threaten your identity. 

Then after some of your identity has been threaten, you will get mad and your survival instinct will rise. It will make you fall more into the illusion of survival without you even realizing it. Then you will want to stand up for your self survival, cuz if not you will be exploited. Then, if you rise, you will be prideful and will want to make yourself a priority in life. You will care alot less about people and their opinions. You will be one pointed reach goal minded. This will create layers of energy within that create an armored ego. From this ignorance, confidence is born. People may start to look up to you. Your esteem will then start to rise higher. And this is how ego identity is created in plain words. 

It takes time. But it will occur faster than the blink of an eye. 

Lot of helpful pointers.

Thanks for the response.

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@dflores321 i really thought about it - is there any duality in your selfishness model? sounds a bit like existentialism - ofc it’s a legitimate worldview if you fancy that.

it’s so tricky

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@dflores321 i still think that position holds tricks and selfishness has more facetes than selfishness, still making a freudian distinction with an ego/self duality - if selflessness is a shadow then i suppose it must be a form of selfishness you did not experience much - i can see the perspective you are opening up for me but can not see the perspective you have in it. it distorts a bit the view.

Edited by mememe

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If I'm good at being selfish, then why would I give you good advice? After all I'm selfish, so you benefiting from my advice doesn't do anything to me. 

How do you know the advice you are receiving here is good? If they are giving you advice, it's because they aren't selfish. But then that advice is not coming out of selfish people, because they aren't doing it out of selfishness. Thus they may not know at all what they are even talking about.

This is quite dangerous, as you may actually receive advice that makes you less selfish. What if that accidentally leads you to happiness? Scary.

Edited by 4201

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