
Do women get off on porn?

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Well obviously. Are they going to tell you?

Most likely not.


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Women hide porn under the bed, specifically under a pillow, if you know what I mean. Cheeky.:P


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Yes, many women I've talked to had straight up porn addictions. It's a universal "problem".

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It can help with reaching climax if I’m looking directly at pleasurable things happening to a woman as I have an empathetic response to the woman’s pleasure.

But it only engages a very small part of my sexuality, as it leaves all the heart centered stuff off the table.

So, I find my fantasies to be more gratifying than porn because it’s more emotional, contextual, and personal. And it can be playful or passionate or loving... many things actually.

Fantasies arouse a symphony of erotic emotions, similar to how real experiences do.

Porn just makes the blood flow to the genitals and arouses a mild feeling of sexual desire.

Though, it’s much quicker and easier to orgasm to the latter, I prefer the fantasies because they feel better overall.

I find myself feeling very drained after using porn. But I feel full of energy after spending time in my fantasies... if they’re loving fantasies.

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@Emerald what do you do when you are super horny ?

I usually watch porn if I'm super horny for a moment.. kinda guilty pleasure.

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1 minute ago, Preety_India said:

@Emerald what do you do when you are super horny ?

I usually watch porn if I'm super horny for a moment.. kinda guilty pleasure.

Personally, I rarely watch porn. Maybe I’ll feel the urge to do so once a month, if that.

Usually, my sex drive goes toward fantasies if I’m single or just not in a space to realize something with my partner.

But I also don’t always feel the need to climax. A lot of times, it feels best to just vibe for a long time in the erotic heart centered emotions of the fantasy. 

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6 minutes ago, Emerald said:

But I also don’t always feel the need to climax.

I have a huge need for climax. 

Emotions are obviously important to me but only in the context of relationships and when I'm dreaming, romanticizing, Fantasizing.

However when my biology starts making mischief, I feel a Strong urge to climax, in that moment I'm in sort of "female heat" like it's seen in wild lionesses or female wild animals.

Especially during those times of the month when my hormones start tickling me, then I get horny and if I don't climax on those times, I feel very dissatisfied and uncomfortable.

Although I rarely watch porn and only when I'm extra horny.


I apologise for being brash and unapologetic.


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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2 hours ago, Lucas-fgm said:

Many like to say they watch a lot of porn, because they are afraid, sometimes, of people looking down on them like they were some kind of " assexual " creatures with repressed sexuality.

? Repression is nothing like "what people think" it is at all. In fact it's really based in just that, a care of what other people think, forgetting that fear of people's thoughts is one's own self-judgement, self shaming. Also intertwined with a strange sort of disconnection with what they really want or like. It could be putting on a show for someone, acting very sexual or putting on a show for someone that you aren't sexual depending on what you think people expect or want so you can feel ok and normal yourself. But there is not normal, the show is only for you, so that means if you're too focused on pleasing others at the expense of not listening to your own desires you aren't in touch with what you want. Sometimes repression is created when you authentically aren't interested in something but think you have to be to be cool or alright so you're repressing what you actually want in favor of what you think you should want. Or sometimes it's as you'd think, a denial of a desire. It's really the same thing.



My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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35 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

I apologise for being brash and unapologetic.

"I apologize for being unapologetic." Says every woman ever. We should probably stop doing that though. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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8 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

"I apologize for being unapologetic." Says every woman ever. We should probably stop doing that though. 

I guess that's the repressed side of me peeking out.

It's kinda hard to be a woman and not  feel repressed after having been shamed all life(from birth) in regard to express oneself more comfortably sexually..

I mean when a woman does that, men call her "unwomanly."

And not like women don't shame other women. It gets internalised at some point..

Whenever I write something sexual on this website, I feel a huge resistance and a certain heaviness around my shoulders/Arms like I'm breaking some big glass barrier over my head, questions like how are the men on this forum going to perceive me, what Judgements will be thrown in my direction keep popping up in my head.

I know that I shouldn't care what people think.

But whenever I write in a manner where I don't want to think what/how men are going to think about me, I'm immediately met with judgemental words like -"I'm being unhinged/lunatic etc etc."

It's hard to navigate around this Madonna/Whore complex.

If I say that I don't like certain sexual things, I'm judged as a Prude.

If I say that I like certain things, then the reaction is -raised eyebrows and eyerolls.

To be honest it's easy to say - be a sexually free woman..but much difficult to actually be.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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17 hours ago, Preety_India said:

Especially during those times of the month when my hormones start tickling me, then I get horny and if I don't climax on those times, I feel very dissatisfied and uncomfortable.

Imagine that 365 days of year.

Congrats, now you know what it's like to be a man.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

Imagine that 365 days of years.

Congrats, now you know what it's like to be a man.

Oh God stop pushing your male agenda onto me.

I need to survive as a female. I got no time to think what you feel as a male. Oh so poor man living it up in Las Vegas. 

Telling me how bad it is to be a man. Go.

Go tell some hapless poor woman.

Enough of you. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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2 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Oh God stop pushing your male agenda onto me.

I need to survive as a female. I got no time to think what you feel as a male.

What goes around comes around.

Don't act all surprised when you get the same treatment from your man that you give me.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

What goes around comes around.

Don't act all surprised when you get the same treatment from your man.

I'll get the same treatment even if I'm nice to him. So what difference does it make. I tried being nice. 

If your whole agenda is only being a male and satisfying your needs as a male, without ever putting even 2 cents into understanding a woman, then don't ever expect a woman to understand your needs, she is not even obligated to especially if you're going to be selfish about being a male, haha the joke is on you. You want a woman's love without loving her in return, then you sit and sulk and wonder why women reject you and why women don't give you their time.  Because you just can't love a woman but you want all the goodies from her. Sorry a woman doesn't need to keep your dick rent free in her brain. Surprise surprise!


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I'll get the same treatment even if I'm nice to him. So what difference does it make. I tried being nice.

Probably just the wrong guys you interact. Not all guys are like that.



If your whole agenda is only being a male and satisfying your needs as a male, without ever putting even 2 cents into understanding a woman, then don't ever expect a woman to understand your needs, she is not even obligated to especially if you're going to be selfish about being a male, haha the joke is on you. You want a woman's love without loving her in return, then you sit and sulk and wonder why women reject you and why women don't give you their time.  Because you just can't love a woman but you want all the goodies from her. Sorry a woman doesn't need to keep your dick rent free in her brain. Surprise surprise!

This goes both ways. It´s gotten pretty normal for women to want men just for their dick (at least here in Germany). 
But you obviously can´t have "conscious sex" that way with someone, because in order to have conscious sex, you first need to be able to let go of anything that keeps you from being present with your partner. 

And you can´t be present WITH your partner if you see your partner as a dick / pussy to use for your own needs. 

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29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

What goes around comes around.

Don't act all surprised when you get the same treatment from your man that you give me.

you must confess that women seldomly talk about all of their cycle issues in the forum while men constantly do about their hormones. it’s not at all the same. men somehow constantly ask for that kind of understanding and then are not trying to understand that hormonal differences throughout a month are a challenge on its own - no its not much of  interest to men. usually. don’t even wondering why no one talks about it much.

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7 minutes ago, mememe said:

you must confess that women seldomly talk about all of their cycle issues in the forum while men constantly do about their hormones. it’s not at all the same. men somehow constantly ask for that kind of understanding and then are not trying to understand that hormonal differences throughout a month are a challenge on its own - no its not much of  interest to men. usually. don’t even wondering why no one talks about it much.

A) There are simply few women here. It's mostly guys.

B) That's not the symmetry. The symmetry takes place at the level of wanting intimacy and so forth. That's is the woman's version of sex. And you ladies complain about it plenty.

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21 hours ago, Preety_India said:

Women hide porn under the bed, specifically under a pillow, if you know what I mean. Cheeky.:P


Sorry, what do you mean? I am confused. Can you explain, Thanks 

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