Andrea Marchetti

I'm back and it's different

3 posts in this topic

Hello people. It's been two years since the last time I came to this forum (it's the only forum I subscribed to anyways, beside the ones for practical stuff, so I'm unaware of the problems that may occur in a forum). I'm surprised to see the increased level of control that this forum is now under. I see in my profile a "warning counter", I've seen moderator blocking and closing threads for talking about forbidden matters (not for people insulting each other). And I'm astonished. Can someone explain me why it happened to be the case? Where is the danger? Why certain topics are forbidden?

PS: I don't know where to point this out, so I say it here, maybe Leo or another administrator if there is any might see it. The website keep logging me out every time I click on "Home". 

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Leo wants the forum to be like a school. You're not supposed to pose or even have radically different opinions than the mainstream here. Only devils had opposed Leo, and they're all dead now lol.

Refresh the home page and you'll be logged back in automatically. It's probably something to do with browser cache and other technical stuff.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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3 hours ago, Andrea Marchetti said:

I'm surprised to see the increased level of control that this forum is now under.

Haha was the forum libertarian ish two years ago? 

3 hours ago, Andrea Marchetti said:

I see in my profile a "warning counter", I've seen moderator blocking and closing threads for talking about forbidden matters (not for people insulting each other). And I'm astonished. Can someone explain me why it happened to be the case? Where is the danger? Why certain topics are forbidden?

Basically because it drops the quality of the forum. 

It's a lot better now. 

It's not that it's dangerous it's more exhausting and pointless trying to have a sane discussion with trolls or ideologs. 

I think the best way to realize why some topic is forbidden is to have a discussion with the person that advocates it. When you see a topic get shut down pm that person and you'll get it or try to talk to them while the thread is still open so I can see you change your mind. 

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