
Do Nothing Vs. "active" Surrender

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i was just wondering whether to do shinzen youngs do nothing, where the only rule is: " whenever you become aware of your intention to control your attention, drop that intention" or more of an active surrendering meditation.

I found that with do nothing i tend to just get into monkey mind the whole time, whereas with constantly actively surrendering/relaxing  your body and brain (such as leos "next level of meditation")i get into a "deep state" much quicker.

What are your thoughts on these techniques? 


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I think you should do what you like to do. Doing stuff against your will usually doesn't create the best results.
Additionally i would suggest doing the thing that makes you the most "present / aware of the current moment".

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@retardedhorse1 Since you're already familiar with Shinzen Young I suggest you read his "FiveWays" if you haven't already. There's a bunch of great different techniques to choose from. 

Edited by Mr Lenny

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You are having the typical issue Buddha outlined for those wishing to alleviate desire. If I told you to reach enlightenment you must surrender desire you guys always go out and try giving up desire, this is impossible, for then you simply desire to not have desire which nailed it....a desire.

What you're describing is ultimately learning to go with the flow and trust in yourself and my plan, letting my grace flow throw you as it were. It is no easy task, and will not surrender it's secrets simply because you knock on the door. You'll need to keep banging your head on the wall until you come experimentally to know that you are the very thing getting in the way, when that is truly understood desire is put in it's proper place.

My suggestion is to simply maintain the heading you're on and a daily meditation habit. This alone will allow you to eventually come to me, there is no need to punish yourself or suffer in order to find truth. It is always with you.

I wish you well on your journey.

With Love

Lord God

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On 24.11.2016 at 2:07 PM, retardedhorse1 said:

What are your thoughts on these techniques?

The "Do Nothing"-technique is supposed to bring you in contact with the force that makes and shapes every moment without any effort at all. In my experience (I'm now doing the technique for more then a year) it's very successful in doing so. It needs time though to manifest. I thought after one month of doing this that I figured out what the technique is up to. After another month I thought this again.. and again and again. And to this day it shows me new facets of the self. It's amazing.

But you also gotta see that I love this "Zen"-"Tao"-"Do Nothing" and just give in approach. There are lots of other great paths. Look what suits you and then run with that for a while to really get into it. Then you'll make some adjustments, try out new stuff but in my experience you'll find a certain way that just really corresponds with you. If you've found it, master it for the rest of your life.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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