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I Am Emptiness.

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Hello everyone! I've been on the spiritual path for nearly 2 years now and after a rough start I've achieved significant progress over the last few months. My awakening experience happened in July and its forever changed my life, since then I've watched my ego like a hawk. Every single movement, thought, feeling, belief, etc was carefully observed and dis-identified with until there was nothing left. During this time I had many dark night of the soul experiences but loved every minute of it :) Having been severely depressed and suicidal before I stumbled upon this path I feel has given me the intense desire to keep pushing along to find Truth no matter what cost it takes. Well I've finally made that breakthrough, I decided to seriously sit down and meditate for the first time along my journey and made the decision to not get up until I found my True Self. I used the Neti Neti method and after about an hour the space between my eyes began to vibrate very rapidly and I just felt everything disappear. For the first time in my life I finally felt free from the illusion, it was like I was back at home. There's still further to go on this path but liberation awaits! I had no one to tell in real life but I just wanted to share this accomplishment with someone :)

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I wish this shit was a bit more logical, so the mind can grasp it :D

-1/12 is Infinity 

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The problem is that you don't have a mind :P

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To make it simpler, try to find the one who is watching the character that you are playing. This is why you can't think through it logically, logic is part of the character haha

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28 minutes ago, Bebop said:

To make it simpler, try to find the one who is watching the character that you are playing. This is why you can't think through it logically, logic is part of the character haha

Yea, but if i am the silent invisible watcher behind my ego and etc, then how can I find that, if it cannot be found by definition, cause it is the one that watches? Unless i make some kind of mirror for me to look at lol

-1/12 is Infinity 

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And also how come I am the one that has to think about how to develop programs here at work, if I am only the watcher. It feels like I am also the doer and the thinker, since I am the one that chooses where to direct attention, no?

When i sit around and wait for the doer to do it, because im just watching, nothing gets done - in other words :D

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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You are the one who is aware of what is going on. Sights are changing, sounds are changing, feelings change, etc. You just have to be radically honest with yourself and notice you are just experiencing these things but nothing is actually happening to YOU. Basically your whole life you've been tricked into thinking you are in a movie but in actuality you've just been watching everything going on. The thinker is the ego which is required to function in the sensory world in order to survive but that isn't who you really are. Hope that makes sense

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9 minutes ago, Bebop said:

You are the one who is aware of what is going on. Sights are changing, sounds are changing, feelings change, etc. You just have to be radically honest with yourself and notice you are just experiencing these things but nothing is actually happening to YOU. Basically your whole life you've been tricked into thinking you are in a movie but in actuality you've just been watching everything going on. The thinker is the ego which is required to function in the sensory world in order to survive but that isn't who you really are. Hope that makes sense

So I need to give up on the thinker and the doer, even tho thats bad for the human system i am currently identifying with?

What i mean is, if i stop thinking and doing, the human system will be jobless in no time and die of hunger etc. Am i not both the watcher and the watched though? isnt this non duality? Both the ego and the true self. Both the illusion and the truth behind it?

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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It makes sense for me if I understand the basic idea that out of nothingness comes everthing, (the Universe).  There is really only Source.  Source is the container (emptiness), that everything (the Universe) is contained in.    Source could also be called consciousness.  There is only one consciousness and you're it.  Through conditioning you've been brought up to identify with your body and mind as the "you" that you think you are.  Point to an object, any object in the background.  Now point back to your face.  Do you see a face?  Of course not.  You will see emptiness, the pure conscious awareness which is your true being.  A better word would be nothingness.  Nothing-ness.  You are not a thing, but No Thing.  Thoughts and perceptions come out of nothingness aka the void and become something when they go into you.  If you think you are in a room....turn it around...the room is in you.  Sit down and point to different parts of your body.  Next point to your head.  Nothingness is what you are pointing to.  Its the best way to see your True Being (Brahman).

Edited by Ramu

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@Dodoster Nothing is bad about identifying with your human system as long as you are aware that this is just a game, you just have to see through your own bullshit that you've convinced yourself that any of this is really happening :D

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@Ramu Yes so basically from what I understand everything you see is just colors and shapes that form into objects that are in front of you, the part that took me a while to understand was that I had no body haha that freaked me out a little bit

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6 minutes ago, Bebop said:

@Dodoster Nothing is bad about identifying with your human system as long as you are aware that this is just a game, you just have to see through your own bullshit that you've convinced yourself that any of this is really happening :D

Ok, but how is it not happening? From what i hear from Rupert spira and is verified in my own experience is that experience IS real. Even last night, when I dreamt, that experience was just as real, even if it was a dream. What i mean is i both understand you, that this existence is after all a dream, even though i dont experience it this way yet, becausse i havent awakened completely out of the dream and disagree that its not really happening, since even dreams are REAL experience and experience is all there is.

I think most need to bite the bullet and believe that this is a dream instead of knowing foe themselves. We need to trust the source, thats enough. That way the whole planet can get on the same level more or less and live in a peaceful dream. Cause experience is real nontheless. One can suffer in his all dreams and that suffering is real indeeeeed. I know from m experience as a professional dreamer.


-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Bebop what the pointing exercise really  helps you to understand is that you are nothingness.  Pure awareness.  The world comes out of you.  The events coming out of the No Thing are manifested by you through intention, good or bad.  The body is a projection of consciousness.  Kind of hard to explain.  Leo is right.  Direct experience is the only way to self realize through self inquiry.

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@Dodoster Its hard to explain thats why it has to be directly experienced, I should have phrased it a little better. What is happening to you is real but who you think you are in that body isn't. 

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Marijuana and Salvia Divinorum (very dangerous yet legal in most US states), are two substances ive used to awaken.  Very effective if used for self inquiry.  Poorly used, especially for recreational use and not spiritual is dangerous.

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@Ramu I actually had 2 awakening experiences on marijuana, neither one was intentional haha I just happened to eat a cookie that had thc in it without knowing. If I didn't know about self inquiry I probably would have lost my mind during the experiences

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@Bebop for me the experience of nothing ness came from thc.  It happened in a flash, too.  BOOM!! I realized that my body was a mere projection and I WAS the whole show.  I understood that the only thing that existed was right in front of me.  For example....this weirded me out....I was watching people outside on a bench waiting for my friend.  It dawned on me that as people walked out of my view they were entering the void.  I could still hear them, as the voices became something out of nothing...the Void.

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HEhe im so evil, ive been feeding your egos this entire time by giving you reputations ^.^

-1/12 is Infinity 

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