
IMO, If Enlightment/Non Duality is a brain state, then its not really Truth

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Today i had non dual state for some seconds. It felt like such an intense Bliss, realizing i was the screen of my phone, that "i" was an ilusion.

Then i thought that this state is What Users of hardcore drugs must be seeking. That state of completeness, not localization, and end of self referential "Iness" is What brings a peak of heroin or meth. (By all means do not ever try this drugs they go completely against What Actualized teaches. They are not a wise way to get to non duality, But they are a good way of increasing your chances of making your life more difficult and actually increase suffering).

But...What i want to say with this, is, if those drugs, or any psychedelic, or meditation with other practices combo, CAN INDUCE THAT STATE... That means that Enlightment / Non Duality is just... A state.  A brain state.

Its just a state more pleasurable than the default "Dont do drugs/psychedelics/meditation" state. But...its not truth. If you can induce It with a drug, how is going to be the Truth?

SO, the truth must be that which is outside all states!

The bottom line is, as long as we have a brain (Leo has said that brains are imaginary But they DO exist, they are just being imagined by Consciousness, But they do exist) we cant ever get to the actual real Ultimate Truth.

Maybe once we lose our brain (physical death) we Will be Able to access the truth. Then It Will be posible. But with a brain we cant. 

My experiences with 5-MeO-DMT inhaled makes me think that maybe we Dont need a brain to "exist" But, as long as we do have one (in this plane of Consciousness) Ultimate Truth is not posible.

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All of spiritual work is about getting the mind, the brain, to realize the truth. 

Edited by Swarnim

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Rupert Spira's answer from 5:10:



Edited by Blackhawk

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47 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

But...What i want to say with this, is, if those drugs, or any psychedelic, or meditation with other practices combo, CAN INDUCE THAT STATE... That means that Enlightment / Non Duality is just... A state.  A brain state.

No, it does not mean that. You mistakenly assume that because you are still a materialist who believes in a brain.


Its just a state more pleasurable than the default "Dont do drugs/psychedelics/meditation" state. But...its not truth. If you can induce It with a drug, how is going to be the Truth?

Everything is Truth.


SO, the truth must be that which is outside all states!

No! The Truth is EVERYTHING!


The bottom line is, as long as we have a brain (Leo has said that brains are imaginary But they DO exist, they are just being imagined by Consciousness, But they do exist) we cant ever get to the actual real Ultimate Truth.

Brains don't exist.


Maybe once we lose our brain (physical death) we Will be Able to access the truth. Then It Will be posible. But with a brain we cant. 

All you need to do to lose your brain is to stop believing it is real.


My experiences with 5-MeO-DMT inhaled makes me think that maybe we Dont need a brain to "exist" But, as long as we do have one (in this plane of Consciousness) Ultimate Truth is not posible.

You are like a prisoner stuck in a jail cell whose door is locked only by your belief that it is.

The door has always been unlocked, dummy.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura right. You are trying to say to me something along the lines as "there nothing outside" of this. The truth is this already. 

Btw brains do exist as an Imagination when we see them right?

For example when you take an aspiring the aspiring WORKS WHY IT WORKS if brains do not exist?

Is it because consciousness dreams the "meaning" of aspiring (the meaning is = it heals headaches) so IT CURES THE HEADACHE (the imaginary headache).

Reality can't be this fucking crazy haha cmon man


Edited by Javfly33

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4 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

@Leo Gura right. You are trying to say to me something along the lines as "there nothing outside" of this. The truth is this already. 

Your mind creates imagining anchors to ground the present moment. Those anchors include "brain", "time", "history", "birth", "science", "atoms", and all the other crap you are imagining. As long as you keep imagining all that stuff you will keep being stuck in material reality (which you unwittingly re-construct).

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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There is nothing but the truth. Truth is all states equally. 

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IMO (not me), If Enlightenment/Non Duality (me) is a brain state (not me), then its not really Truth (me). 



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@Javfly33 There is a non-dual state of mind (there's a distinction between mind and brain), but you can come to some of these conclusions through contemplation logically. This is why you can't rely on one aspect of this work alone. Non-dual states are great, but they do absolutely nothing in the long-term without anything else to back it up. Instead of pursuing states of mind, for now I would suggest just doing contemplation and Journaling. 

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The thing is, the most intense otherworldly bliss and you clicking away at work on a regular Monday are the same thing. Truth.

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@Javfly33 The drugs just removes the i so that truth is revealed. Like when clouds dissolve the sun can shine through. The sun is always there it just wasn't visible.


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Enlightenment is not an experience. It is what remains when everything is lost. If enlightenment had any characteristics to it, it couldn’t remain throughout any possible state. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Consciousness is totally direct.

"Words mean something because they point to meaning beyond themselves."



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@Javfly33 You making sense of your experience through reason and the context of the scientific paradigm which you are moving from into a spiritual paradigm and love. 

Maybe it could be useful to see leos video about deconstructing science again? ??

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This is about what you posted, bear with me a moment.

As I see it, the brain is what the finite mind looks like when viewed from the perspective of another person. A dream is what the inside of your finite mind looks like when viewed from the perspective of the dreamed character.

It is imagery that makes it possible to interact with a world of "things". The things aren't really there outside of perception, you need perception to be able to experience because experience only happens with some form of duality.

When you mess with a brain you mess with a finite mind and change its contents.

The finite mind and all finite minds are viewed by one field of consciousness that is absolutely identical and the same. It is singular. Any state you induce by altering a finite mind (messing with the brain from our perspective) is just changing the contents experienced.

It can point you to the truth just as meditation or any other practice can.

Literal experience of the truth would not be possible for the finite mind to know directly because you have the experience without it present. The finite mind only knows things that it is present to see. If you do something without it present, it can't know it, and that's why it does not know the awareness you have while under general anaesthesia (you are the surgeons operating on yourself) etc.

Edited by RMQualtrough

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On 7/25/2021 at 4:35 PM, Javfly33 said:

Today i had non dual state for some seconds. It felt like such an intense Bliss, realizing i was the screen of my phone, that "i" was an ilusion.

Then i thought that this state is What Users of hardcore drugs must be seeking. That state of completeness, not localization, and end of self referential "Iness" is What brings a peak of heroin or meth. (By all means do not ever try this drugs they go completely against What Actualized teaches. They are not a wise way to get to non duality, But they are a good way of increasing your chances of making your life more difficult and actually increase suffering).

But...What i want to say with this, is, if those drugs, or any psychedelic, or meditation with other practices combo, CAN INDUCE THAT STATE... That means that Enlightment / Non Duality is just... A state.  A brain state.

Its just a state more pleasurable than the default "Dont do drugs/psychedelics/meditation" state. But...its not truth. If you can induce It with a drug, how is going to be the Truth?

SO, the truth must be that which is outside all states!

The bottom line is, as long as we have a brain (Leo has said that brains are imaginary But they DO exist, they are just being imagined by Consciousness, But they do exist) we cant ever get to the actual real Ultimate Truth.

Maybe once we lose our brain (physical death) we Will be Able to access the truth. Then It Will be posible. But with a brain we cant. 

My experiences with 5-MeO-DMT inhaled makes me think that maybe we Dont need a brain to "exist" But, as long as we do have one (in this plane of Consciousness) Ultimate Truth is not posible.

Turn the search inward: is "I"/"others" separation exist in the direct experience? What is "I" that claims to think/want/have something? Who are you? 


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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