By Preety_India
in Dating, Sexuality, Relationships, Family,
I'm trying hard to attract a man like me.
I've read people on this forum use terms like "vibration"and "mirroring."
They say if I upgrade my vibration I'll attract a partner who will mirror my qualities.
I still suffer a bit of insecurity around this topic. I don't know why I don't believe it.
I'm a super emotional person. I want to attract someone who is equally emotional as I.
My qualities are -INTP, emotional, logical, sensitive,loyal.
One problem I'm facing is that I have become so emotional that I'm scared of dating.
I'm nervous around dating a man. The moment I think about meeting a man, the fear that runs through my head is - "what if I fall in love and this guy breaks my heart?"
It's similar to the fear of rejection that men have yet it's a strong fear because of past trauma in relationships. Don't want to feel traumatized again. Difficult to give my heart and mind away.