
How many of you have had COVID?

9 posts in this topic

Curious to know how many of you have had COVID and what your experience was with it.

im not particularly interested in stories about people you know who have had Covid but would prefer to keep this thread strictly for direct experiences of being personally infected.

thanks for sharing folks!

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I had it.

It was annoying but that was about it. Came on quick, just like the flu. Started getting a cough and muscle weakness. A little harder to breathe deep and concentrate. I couldn’t really work or meditate effectively.

By like day 3 most of the more obvious symptoms were gone. Then it was just a mild cough that lingered for a couple more days.

All in all not that bad. But obviously for some people is much worse. If I had been in worse health prior to getting it, who knows what would have happened.



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What can I say... it was weird, to say the least. xD

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Something gives me hope that you guys survived. But I have low immunity. So I've locked myself.

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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had it, too. was not so nice - one night i got really high fever in total the fever lasted for maybe three days and two days of temperature - and i couldn’t cough even though i could feel there was sth sticking to the surface of the upper breathing organs - maybe even a bit deeper but i didn’t go to the doctor because of quarantine - kind of stupid i don’t even know if i had a lung infection or not.  only thing that worked was a caughing practice a new york based practitioner shared on youtube and i tried a lot of teas and all the tricks i usually use against colds, which did not work much. (although i don’t know exactly as i took everything i had might have also rescued me)

and i was pcr tested negative - could only prove it afterwards with an antibody blood test.

some of the details are really stupid. in retrospect i should have gone to a medical practitioner to get my lungs checked. i was negatively tested sick at home in quarantine because of contact.

ah and the caughing remained for two weeks or so and i got small bleeding at the back of my leg for one day.

ah and what also helped were these ayurvedic caugh relievers i brought from india - can’t find them anywhere in europe but they really helped eladi or sth like that.



Edited by mememe

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I could have sworn I had it last year in April, but I tested negative for it. Not sure what it was or if maybe the testing methods weren't as accurate that early on in the pandemic?

It was an entire MONTH of weakened lungs. Started with a wet, wheezing, deep cough. With lots of phlegm. Then halfway switched to a dry, persistent, slightly painful cough, before finally going away. There were also a handful of days where I was very fatigued despite not being busy at all. I was sleeping 12-14 hours at times.

I can't say with 100% certainty it was Covid, but it certainly sucked. I was a 27 year old male is his prime with great health, I eat right, and I was skateboarding 2-4 hours every day at that time.


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@Roy no lots of phlegm doesn’t sound like it - it’s not a wet cough. it’s so dry you might not be able to call it caugh.

Edited by mememe

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This thread had 210 views so far with only 3 positive cases and one possible.

Obviously not everyone who had it and viewed this thread necessarily reported it here.

Please if you do view this thread and have tested positive for COVID let us here about it


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