Giulio Bevilacqua

Spontaneous Pranayama breathing

2 posts in this topic

Hi evryone. 

As i sit in meditation the breath start going into spontaneous patterns like breath of fire.

Can clearly see that it is releasing psychological knots and tensions from the belly.

What i would like to ask is:  How much time should i spend allowing the breathing to do it's work ? I think if i just surrender to it, it would go on and on for hours and days. 

Has anyone of you some experience with this ?

Thank you 

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2 hours ago, Giulio Bevilacqua said:

As i sit in meditation the breath start going into spontaneous patterns like breath of fire.

2 hours ago, Giulio Bevilacqua said:

What i would like to ask is:  How much time should i spend allowing the breathing to do it's work ? I think if i just surrender to it, it would go on and on for hours and days.

@Giulio Bevilacqua

I recommend neither cultivating the breath pattern nor restraining it, let it do its thing, allow and accept it unless you see it can harm you, in this case get a hold of the situation immediatly.
You should still be able to control your breath and keep goin with your practice. If you feel the need to perform Breath of Fire make so that it fit your stack of exercises. I raccomand not to do just BoF and mild it down with normal Pranayama and Mahamudra.

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