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Samuel Garcia

How Do You Know One Is Spiritually Enlightened?

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In Leo's interview with Martin Ball, the description says that Martin Ball attained enlightenment -- but I wouldnt be able to tell that he a. People comment saying ''this person is enlightened'' or ''is this person enlightened?'' -- but how do we know they are enlightened. They can claim to be enlightened be we don't know if they are.

Looking at videos of spiritual teachers, they talk calm and say wise words but what characteristics indicate they are enlightened? What do the spiritually enlightened all have in common? Is there a way to tell? If I go slap an enlightened on the head as a stranger, will there be no emotional reaction thus indicating higher consciousness?

Also do they stay absolutely present all the time in life? 

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@Samuel Garcia you'd have to watch how he really deals with his "personal" life. the enlightened ones have the actual knowledge that it's all a dream and don't attach to anything. not even world peace. they don't try to be that honest. they simply are because there's no point on maintaining lies. that's where their presence comes from.

edit: don't think that they won't react to danger, though. the body has it's own intelligence, which is far more brilliant than the intellect it carries with it. the body protects itself and NEVER lies. the body never ever fucking lies.

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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@Samuel Garcia Worry less about that, and more about whether the things coming out of their mouth are useful and ring true.

Don't fall into the trap of making this about other people. Your main concern should be your own unconscious situation.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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