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Psychedelics give me temporary after-effects of confusion

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This is only my personal experience with them, but now that I think about it, psychedelics seem to have given me a short-term sense of confusion after each time I've used them in the past. And by short-term I mean I'd have a couple months after the trips, where I would be completely sober, but I still have feelings that I'm still out of touch with physical reality.

This is probably common since they are in fact drugs after all, but I'd love to hear anyone else's experience with this.

So why does this matter? I'd say it matters because it may affect your results in the external reality. Psychedelics may or may not be entirely useful for those still in the phase of chasing success or other external results.

I wouldn't say I had enough guidance around psychedelics, I knew they were a spiritual tool but I was still in the phase of chasing money and women (still sort of am) and I thought it would help with that but it brought me the complete opposite. I'd definitely say it helped me grow in terms of internal, spiritual results but not so much when it comes to the external results.

Again this is just my own personal experience with psychedelics.

A few examples in my own life, I started using shrooms for the first time a couple years ago, then it seems I may have developed a spiritual-ego. I had a social life at my workplace at the time, but around the time I started using shrooms, I started to lose those friends in the workplace and I became quite arrogant. I seemed to have had a feeling of superiority over others.

Another example is with women, there have been countless times where I would use psychedelics, but this time I'd use it for spiritual growth and to become more loving, but this lead me to being super needy with women over text. There have been many instances where I'd send the most cringe texts to women and it completely destroys my chances with them, this is what I'm talking about when I talk about confusion. I don't know if this was directly caused by the psychedelics, but I know in fact that psychedelics affect your perception and amplifies your feelings. So deep down I may feel this way about a situation with a girl, but the drugs amplify these feelings and lead me to send a text that I wouldn't have sent if I hadn't used the drugs.

There are also examples in my life around specific financial losses that could've been a result of the psychedelic-use but I want to keep the thread short. Plus many examples where I would throw away certain friendships that I had, but probably for the better.

TL;DR  Psychedelics certainly effect your perception of reality and amplify any existing feelings that you may have in the moment. If deep down you're needy for a girl, psychedelics might make you even more needy and even make you take action on your neediness. Psychedelics also make you focus deeply on any existing problems that you may have. ALTHOUGH, I would say these are certain side-effects of the trip itself, but this thread is about the after-effects of psychedelics, and how psychedelics can alter your perception of reality AFTER the trip, temporarily. Maybe it may give you a sense of confusion and affect your results in the external reality.

And I definitely would say I did learn many lessons from this, and have grown significantly, but if you're new to psychedelics it may or may not bring you what you expect.

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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There are so many factors in this more than Psychedelics, you are describing the situation like you aren’t there, plus you know Psychedelics won’t fix the problems by themselves, they are TOOLS 

maybe when it comes to work you are weighing things wrongfully, maybe the truth is that you are really superior to your colleagues and you can flip it so they can look up to you and learn from you? 

and maybe the women you choose are wrong so you fall in complications when you talk to them? 

In the end it’s you not the psychedelics. 

Truth you don't find. Truth finds you. Sooner or later. What you then do, no one knows. If you knew, it would already have found you."


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@Focus I did pretty much mention, psychedelics do amplify who we are in a way.

But, I still would argue that it may have some sort of effect on the brain after use because it is a drug after all.

When people drink alcohol, we know that has an effect on the brain. Plus if they do drugs like crack or meth, those drugs obviously have harmful mind-altering effects on the person.

4 hours ago, Focus said:

plus you know Psychedelics won’t fix the problems by themselves, they are TOOLS 

I didn't even say they fix the problem, did you skim through what I wrote or did you just read the TL;DR?

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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Its normal to be confused when you grow in all directions. 

Deep spiritual work will transcend your need to be succesful on the financial level or with women. However if you still feel this desire to accumulate wealth and have a lot of sex, dont fight it. Go conscious into these desires and watch how they transform naturally over time. 

I can just talk for myself, but I notice that once you really have the inner growth going (spirituality)y your outer goal (sex, money, fame ect.) is a natural byproduct. But only if your spiritual work is your number ONE goal in life - not the other way around. 

So if you can't feel this to be the case, follow your outer goals, without psychedelics. However, keep yourself on a conscious level. Meditation is probably the way to go. 

You can't forcefully climb up the spiral (Spiral Dynamics) you rather elevate up naturally over time. 

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Psychedelics give me temporary after-effects of confusion

The confusion is the hindsight thinking... that there is a you (a thought) which took a psychedelic (belief/not you). 

It’s not ‘wrong’, just confusion. 



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I deal with the confusion part also. I guess it's part of the process.

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