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True Feminism

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This was on my list for a very long time.

Femininity and Feminism are two concepts very close to my heart.

Much of the motivation throughout my life was feminist motivation growing up 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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7 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

I guess marriage offers social recognition, joining of families, children, and the feeling of legal security in terms of assets. Marriage is a solid committment that would take a lot to break. Girlfriend and boyfriend can break up anytime over petty issues and arguments.

Ever heard of girlfriend boyfriend counseling therapy? Why not ? Because most people simply move on after a breakup.

However you have always heard about married couples counseling. Everyone wants to save their marriage and think twice before dissolving a marriage. Marriage automatically brings a feeling of responsibility since it's legal and a certain obligation to keep the vows. The ancient people weren't crazy to invent Marriage.

Recently Malala Yousafzai said that marriage is not necessary.



I think this is how feminism destroys women.

Although marriage is strangely a patriarchal notion, it benefits women in many ways. There is a certain security with marriage. Especially when it comes to assets because that's decided by law. Plus there is alimony and child support post divorce.

Ancient people knew that without marriage there would be too many many fatherless children and single mothers something that we see today. Unless divorce rates are too high, marriage acts as a shield for women and children.

Traditional patriarchal societies fare better in terms of reproductive rate and general happiness because in some ways men and women both get partners, they aren't forever searching for a mate. I'm not talking about forced marriages.

Families even in the West fared better in pre World War 2 era because marriage was a strong social structure, divorce rates were low, porn wasn't so rampant and alternative lifestyles weren't suported. It was traditional patriarchy. Although some Part of it wasn't exactly beneficial to women, for example, less women reported domestic violence, women didn't have voting rights(far back in time) so yes certain aspects weren't the best for women.


Modern Feminism isn't exactly a boon. Feminism has brought along with it alternative lifestyles where couples can be together without marriage in the name of sexual freedom, porn is encouraged, women are encouraged to be sexually free and engage in sexual experimentation, this also affords more sexual freedom to men, along with all this you see a consequent rise in divorce rates, single motherhood, teen mom phenomenon, and constant objectification of women, who is really getting harmed here, I guess women?

Although I'm a modern generation girl and I call myself a feminist, I have certain gripes with Feminism especially when it comes to this area, and I think we should closely pay attention to women's biology before riding high on the horse of feminism.

I'm a modern girl with old school thinking packaged into me. I know a lot of people don't resonate with me, yet I still believe in the archaic Christian traditional system of marriage as considered the sacred communion between husband and wife and all of its vows in place.

Call me ? old school but marriages and families were more intact back in the 1920s than now. Evidence is under our noses.

Regarding why marriage leads to less depression, because marriage tends to remove the loneliness factor. 

Living together and marriage are very different things like I stated before. Making something legal Comes with a lot of value.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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