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Dante’s Divine Comedy

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I've bought the book on audible like 2-3 days ago. :D

It really seems like a book that deserve a read.

Be cautious when a naked person offers you a t-shirt. - African proverb

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I thought Inferno was meh from a metaphysics perspective. The whole thing is basically mental masturbation - but I suppose that might be the point of it.

Purgatorio was similarly meh from a metaphysics perspective, except for one passage that stuck out like a beacon: around halfway through the book, Virgil describes to Dante precisely how all things have their roots in Love. Even things that appear not to be Love are ultimately Love. The details are confusing and the passage is circular, but the message is clear.

Paradiso is amazing. It's basically a psychedelic trip baked into text. The character Dante becomes One with Cosmic Love & God - what more could you ask for?

Edited by RendHeaven

It's Love.

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@flume Yep, words cannot describe even the smallest part of infinite love. 

Edited by erik8lrl

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