
Do you have any Vipassana Retreat Advice for me?

30 posts in this topic

I'll keep it short. I'm going to attend my first ever 10-day Vipassana retreat at the end of next month. I'm 22 y/o. Considering these two things, do you have any advice for me to get ready for the retreat? It can be in regards to anything.

I've read many posts in the forum and found some great pieces of advice. However, the posts were older so I thought I'd bring this topic back up if any new members would like to share their experiences or if the advice given could benefit anyone new as well!

Side note: I'd like to take a moment to thank Leo for creating this forum. I don't have any friends that want to go as deep into spirituality as I want to and I was able to find here a very unique and safe space where I know I can be understood and supported by like-minded people. I'm very grateful for that.


Edited by evolving55555

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You can start having light dinners, that way the ten days will go smoothly atleast with the dinner aspect.

Following the instructions to point actually is the key to achieving desired results. For example, for my first retreat I prepped meditating everyday focusing on my breath while forcing my breaths (kind of like Pranayam) so I actually found it difficult to focus on my bare natural breath. My second one, I found watching my stomach helped track bare natural breath for the ana pana method.

Pain is just a sensation and its temporary, it ll pass!

All the best, hope you give it your all :)

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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Take it day by day. One day at a time. And if that’s difficult make your perspective more narrow.

DONT focus on how many day’s you have left. I was doing this on the third day and it was hell. 


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Meditate according to the instructions - don't slack.

Meditate every day before the retreat bumping the duration to 1 hour.

Watch this video: 

You will have enough time on the retreat to look at hand. :D 

Enjoy the retreat time. Good luck.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@Pacific Sage Awesome, thank you! Yes, I always meditate while deepening my breath so I'll practice using my natural breath.

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As a newbie, all you need to do is no matter what, stay there for ten days. Trust me this course is very intense and will trigger your ego yo the core. 

Just let go saying this to yourself

"This body is not mine" "this mind is not mine" just follow the technique very seriously otherwise your retreat will become bore than ever.

I have done 5 of them so you can count me 

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Take an alarm clock with you to wake up for the 4:30 am meditation sessions because you won't have your phone with you. I'm assuming that it's a S.N. Goenka Vipassana retreat.

No matter how defeated you might feel, stick to the instructions carefully. Sometimes the sky becomes clear after a Thunderstorm! 

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@evolving55555 Every day there will be the option for you to meditate in the hall or in your room for certain sits. 

Always sit in the hall if you have the option otherwise. 

You are more likely to work harder and meditate better in the hall. 

Your success will determine on how hard you're willing to work. 


Also, right after the retreat you may be on a high of sorts. So, understand that as time passes things in life go back to normal and mundane. That's OK and part of the process. 

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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Eat lightly and not too often to reduce the chances of you falling asleep during the retreat.

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When you're there and the food will most probably be vegan then try to eat more carbs and fibers for like bread, potatoes or you will be very  hungry in the evening

Are you already acquainted with the meditation technique? There are similiar but when you go deeper the differences become huge. There are techniques where you learn to focus on energy points on deeper levels. But if you don't know what technic is like, it's ok too and might be fun. 

Just follow the instruction and the resulats will come by itself and don't cling to states,they will pass and you didn't do anything cuz there's no one at home. 

Edited by Seeker531

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@Chi_ Yes, it is a S.N. Goenka Vipassana retreat. I'll be following your advice, thank you!


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@Seeker531 Ok, thank you. I'm acquainted with basic meditation techniques. Do you have suggestions of more advanced techniques I could explore?

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@allislove Wow, thank you for pointing me to this video of Leo. Just finished watching it and taking notes. I see how crucial it is for me to understand this for the retreat. Really mindblowing.. I feel like I just came out of a mini trip. I'll be implementing the exercises he suggested in the video9_9

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Yeah, the video is eye-opening & quite useful exercise, ideal for the free time on the retreat ;)

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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Biggest piece of advice I could give is immediately schedule your next retreat after completing the first. Doesn't have to be with the same organization, teacher, or even lineage. Maybe do a Zen Sesshin next, for example. Just a silent meditation retreat of some kind. I'd highly recommend doing at least 1 retreat per year. If you're 22 now and did this until 32, your entire life would be radically transformed by 32. And you'd still have an entire lifetime to live. 

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