This Episode Of Leo Terrifies me

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17 hours ago, SQAAD said:


Mostly yes. I've had some awakenings sober too.

I have taken psychedelics in the past and never had those types of experiences. If however I would prep myself for example by being involved in this forum and believing all of its ideas I would likely have such experiences. 

People on this forum have come back from psychedelic trips with insights contradicting Leo's views. Is that the truth too? 

''I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get'' (NapoleonBonaparte).

"We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation—anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. We make the laws of Nature." (1984)

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The horrible things going on are part of the illusion. It helps God cope with infinity. It's like wow my first world life is so comfy compared with being a Jew during the Holocaust. It's a part of the dream. You think "why am I so lucky" but that's part of the dream. It stops you wanting to talk with "others" because you don't know their life situation, they can always say "what about starving children in Africa" and then you can say "that is not in my direct experience" but that just makes you sound like you lost the argument. God is ETERNAL LOVE FOR ITSELF. It's literally idiotic to put itself through horrible suffering unless it seemingly wants to. You must want it. It must make sense. So yes rape and murder and everything is love, because this is basically GTA ONLINE. There is nobody experiencing that. This is your dream! Wake the fuck up! There is no animals with their own individual consciousnessess suffering away. God dreams the 21st century and it happens. Do you get it yet? All you have experienced is your own life. How was your life? Pretty good? Yeah it's gonna be that FOR ETERNITY. It's infinite okay-ness for itself. Everything that happened to you, you got through just fine. Right now in this moment you are chilling.

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15 hours ago, mp22 said:

I have taken psychedelics in the past and never had those types of experiences. If however I would prep myself for example by being involved in this forum and believing all of its ideas I would likely have such experiences. 

People on this forum have come back from psychedelic trips with insights contradicting Leo's views. Is that the truth too? 

I don't believe these experienced are caused by preparing yourself or somehow brainwashing yourself.

I know for a fact that i have become Infinite.  I have become infinity. This was a direct experience. As real as whatever i'm experiencing right now. 

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11 hours ago, iboughtleosbooklist said:

 God dreams the 21st century and it happens. Do you get it yet? All you have experienced is your own life. How was your life? Pretty good? Yeah it's gonna be that FOR ETERNITY. It's infinite okay-ness for itself. Everything that happened to you, you got through just fine. Right now in this moment you are chilling.

Nice post! It made me feel better :-)

Despite all the difficulties my life has been pretty good so far i can say. I like this quote from Srikumar Rao ''I am ok, i have always been ok, and i'll always be ok''.

Edited by SQAAD

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On 7/19/2021 at 7:00 PM, Roy said:

I've noticed over the past 2 years that I've developed much more of a sensitivity to gore and extreme violence, to the point where I'm somewhat avoidant of it if I can be.

Contrast to growing up where I could (and wanted) to see pretty much anything without a qualm. A morbid curiosity. I used to browse r/watchpeopledie without ever flinching at anything when it was still running.

I wonder what clicked in me.



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22 hours ago, kamwalker said:

Such a beautiful video from Leo 

What i like about it, is that it's an unique vid aswell. Who else on YouTube is saying this stuff?? It's super rare. I wish spiritual teachers would talk more about the consequences of being God/Oneness. Nobody talks about this stuff.... It's really a shame......

Edited by SQAAD

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@fopylo right this familiar. I just imagine it as like epigenetic components passed down from distant relatives. We just inherit all kinds of shit and it often goes unconcious.


Forgot to quote the reply lol. Basically where you were talking about past lives and traumatic events popping up.


Sometimes il just get these random ideas like I get scared I'm going to go to sleep and then I'm going to wake up in the middle of the tundra lol. Weird shit that seems to have nothing to do with my experience. Weird fantasies and thoughts etc..

Edited by liamnewsom202

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On 26/9/2021 at 6:18 AM, Adrian325 said:

@SQAAD check out Rupert Spira, he explains everything and make sense of alot of Leo's teachings. 

I haven't found anyone on Youtube going in-depth about the consequences of oneness. They don't go into details because it's not good for business.

The ego doesn't want to hear these things.

Edited by SQAAD

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If it brings you existential terror then it's best not to think about the implications of Oneness.

Because there is no way to sugar coat the implications. If you are one with everything, then you do, and always will experience all that can possibly be experienced in the universe. This includes experiences of being tortured, having your family murdered, getting the rarest diseases that cause never ending pain,  all the while being delusional and taking all that tragedy seriously, etc. Majority of the lifeforms in the universe spend their lives suffering. You can work on becoming awakened on your current form, but that's an egotistical way to go about this. Awakening is not a solution, because as soon as your form dies, your experience continuous through some other form that most likely won't be as lucky as the current form through which you are experiencing right now. All of the awakening would need to happen all over again, if you are lucky enough to even encounter such material that push you towards taking this path in your next form. The people on this forum represent at best maybe 1% of the living forms understanding of the universe, majority of the time you will be experiencing through someone even more delusional, someone who believes in primitive religions, e.g. christianity, islam, etc. Universe goes through never endless experiencing of delusional forms who go through unimaginable suffering, while few escape the suffering through awakenings, only temporarily as when their form dies they have to start from 0 again. In that sense universe could be thought of as a kind of hell.

So be grateful about your current situation and try not to think about what happens after death, because it's 90% likely it will be something much worse than the current form through which you experience, you are more likely to be born in a third world country and in conditions that are not as nice as the ones you have now.

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The one who is scared of that is the ego. But that ego will not experience all of that. 

It is God who goes through all of that. God is selfless and Love and has no problem experiencing all of that. 

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yea i have seen it as well 

one of the most interesting episode 

but i don't take it that seriously because it's just a hypothesis 

it's one of those ideas that you can't prove or disprove 

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11 hours ago, 0bserver said:


If it brings you existential terror then it's best not to think about the implications of Oneness.


I disagree. Avoiding the truth of a matter doesn't improve anything in the long-term. I prefer to face it. It really terrifies me but with time i noticed that i am less terrified.

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11 hours ago, Max8 said:

yea i have seen it as well 

one of the most interesting episode 

but i don't take it that seriously because it's just a hypothesis 

it's one of those ideas that you can't prove or disprove 

You don't take it that serious because if you would, it would not be that good for you. If you take 2 tabs of LSD it is no longer a hypothesis and your notion of proof will completely fly out of the window. It won't even cross your mind. You don't need proof for knowing that you exist, right?

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6 hours ago, SQAAD said:


 If you take 2 tabs of LSD it is no longer a hypothesis and your notion of proof will completely fly out of the window.


i never denied the power of those chemicals  they indeed can alter the brainsoup and make you hallucinate all sorts of stuff 



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