A Metaphor for Pick Up in Relation to Female Sexuality

By Emerald in Dating, Sexuality, Relationships, Family,
Now, one of my main gripes about pick-up (though I do understand why it exists), is that it presents an inaccurate view of female sexuality while simultaneously being thoroughly convinced that it's got an accurate view to where puas advocate not listening to women at all about their desires. And it's a shame because women really need to feel seen and understood to feel intimacy and satisfaction in a relationship with a man. And being with a man who won't/can't give you that from the female perspective, is as boring and dry as being with a woman who never even touches your penis from the male perspective. And many men find this inaccurate understanding of female sexuality useful for their purposes of having sex and getting dates because it's a numbers game and eventually you'll have some success if you just approach. So, it is a bit of a magic feather and a user friendly distortion... at least user friendly for pick up. So, the inaccurate understanding of female sexuality that pick up artists usually have works up until a point for their own purposes. But there is usually little curiosity otherwise, which is boring.  So, this is the metaphor that came to mind. I recall when I was in early elementary school, I was taught about subtraction. And we were taught to always subtract the small number from the big number. And this advice worked well for the time. I really got the technique. It got the job done.  But I only understood the pattern and not the actual concept. I knew what worked, but I didn't really know why it worked until I developed a broader understanding that included the existence of negative numbers. This is how I see pick-up. There are things that work in it. But most men misattribute or don't know why these things work.  And that understanding of the patterns but not the causes behind the patterns, ends up very "meh" for women when it comes to intimacy... which is the main thing that motivates most of us to want sex in the first place.       
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