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The Multiorgasmic Man

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Has anyone tried any techniques to last longer and even orgasm without ejaculating?

I would like to last longer with women and not it be over after I ejaculate. When masturbating I can just switch to a different girl and it's easy to have multiple orgasms even if I ejaculate. But with a normal girl it's harder, after orgasming I'm done, My brain is like "I have already impregnated this girl, no need to do it again."

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Your problem is not that you can't orgasm without ejaculation. It's that you can't ejaculate more than once in normal sex. I'd look into that first and then consider multiples.


"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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To last longer try to keep her orgasm in mind not yours, please her and make her feel wonders once you can get past a certain phase you can go all day while enjoying yourself just as well. Masturbating less helps too, or just practice masturbating without ejaculating.

I haven't mastered the multiple orgasm thing myself so i can't help you on that one sorry but i think it has a lot to do with the mental state you are in at the time. If you are in bliss or high psychedelic state, it can feel like you orgasm the whole time.

Edited by pluto


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I have been into this topic lately but I am still trying to figure it out. Supposedly you can have multiple whole body orgasms without ejaculation, and some even say you can have multiple orgasms all WITH ejaculation. What one can really do is to strengthen their pc muscles and learning how to control their energies via breath, just as described in countless guides which you can all just google. You may even try to press down your Jo-men point or je-mon point or whatever its called shortly before ejaculation to stop it and maintain boner while still having an orgasm, but it will not always work.

Leo really should do a topic on multiple orgasms for men, pc muscle, prostate orgasms and controlling your sexual energy. Unless he has no idea of course

Here's my key; Philosophy. A freak like me just needs Infinity.

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@Psychonaut @Old Soul My advice, I can pretty much mbate w/o ejaculating.

1. Do some Kegals, train your pc muscles

2. Masturbate to love, not lust if you can, it opens you up more for energy to flow through your entire being

3. Before orgasm, remember to squeeze pc muscles tight and direct up the crown, imagine that energy flow up through the spine.

4. Very important technique, you can either press with three fingers or squeeze your perineum muscles VERY hard like a vise ( part between scrotum and ass)

5. If you don't direct energy properly, it might hurt for a while around that area, but energy doesn't flow out which is good.

6. Relax pc muscles as much as you can before ejaculation.

7. Breathe deeply and slowly

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6 hours ago, Kserkkj said:

@Psychonaut @Old Soul My advice, I can pretty much mbate w/o ejaculating.

1. Do some Kegals, train your pc muscles

2. Masturbate to love, not lust if you can, it opens you up more for energy to flow through your entire being

3. Before orgasm, remember to squeeze pc muscles tight and direct up the crown, imagine that energy flow up through the spine.

4. Very important technique, you can either press with three fingers or squeeze your perineum muscles VERY hard like a vise ( part between scrotum and ass)

5. If you don't direct energy properly, it might hurt for a while around that area, but energy doesn't flow out which is good.

6. Relax pc muscles as much as you can before ejaculation.

7. Breathe deeply and slowly

That's the basic outline of what all the guides are teaching, but it's easier said than done. Anyway, thanks for the brief outline zen-master

Here's my key; Philosophy. A freak like me just needs Infinity.

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