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Bacopa/Brahmi for better childhood trauma work (report)

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I'd like to report my own experience with taking bacopa monnieri (brahmi), a nootropic herb. Specifically the brahmi's effect of improved memory, which I found very fascinating, and its utilization for self-actualization purposes.

I was taking powdered brahmi (green) grown in India. The package was very cheap compared to capsules and extracts. Though, I had no idea how potent it is (% of bacosides, supposed active compounds), nor did I have any analysis on heavy metals and other pollutants. I was dosing in the morning almost every day (left out a day here and there) for an entire month. The recommended dose on the package was around 1-1.5 grams, but I rather quickly built up my dose to 2-2.5 grams. I have low body mass and I am usually sensitive in feeling drug effects, so I could definitely feel brahmi at the recommended dosages (I was relaxed, energized and my head was clear), but when I saw the increased dose had no adverse effects while producing even stronger positive effects (increased chances of flow-states, occasional spontaneous moments of euphoria). These were the immediate short-term effects, that would slowly come down over the period of 6-9 hours. My sleep quality improved as well and dreams became more vivid plus I could remember them better - I have no doubt, if I put more effort into dream journaling and lucid dreaming, brahmi would have made these techniques even more efficient for self-exploration/actualization.

By the end of 3rd week, I became aware that during daily life I had been contemplating and analyzing childhood memories, which were just long forgotten to me. Although they were coming up spontaneously, taking time off to relax and focus on this memory-renewal ability yielded more and better results. Actually, I slowed down, because there was too much content to work with and now I wish I was working with it more strategically - writing stuff down and not just contemplate. Still, this whole process helped me map out a bit more of who I am and why am I the way I am.
I felt enhanced memory at least for the next week or two after I had stopped dosing... some other positive effects also lasted.

TLDR: Brahmi can be used to understand your past more thoroughly, therefore boosting your ability to integrate own (micro)traumas and unwire your survival script more completely (exactly the work Leo points to in How Survival Shapes Who You Are). Also shows potential in working with one's dreams and shadow work.

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