
Help Me Decide What To Do - Physics\programming\lp?

5 posts in this topic

I'm 29, Live in the tiny country of Israel.

I have B.Sc In physics and was accepted to a masters degree in Applied physics.
I did the life purpose course and from it I understand that my passion is consciousness work and helping others, and also creating beautiful art to an extent.
 what I'm good at is understanding people and their problems and being emphatic. So my current LP is something like "help people solve their life problems through empathy and raising of their consciousness ".

The thing is I spend too much time of my life in my room / university and I feel that I do not know the world well enough to know if those are truly my passions or if there are others things I may like more. I feel I really lack world experience! on the other hand I also lack work experience, I didn't really work for 5 years (1 year of law degree that I dropped and 4 years of physics)  so I am quite hungry to earn money.

So I have some options but can't decide.

My first option is to continue my Physics studies (Two years).

Pros: - I find the studied quite interesting (although hard),

          - I think it will open many doors for different career paths (although i'm not sure exactly what)

          -  It will sure as hell challenge me and grow me - I'll have to be a lab instructor and to do my thesis project - which is a kinda scary for me) .

cons: - My motivation for physics is not so great, I studied it because I thought it could help me understand the world but obviously all I feel is that I know it's                      mechanics but nothing more really. I don't think my Life purpose is in this direction, but maybe it will give me tools to follow my life purpose through                science?
           - I don't feel this path works on my strengths - I feel like physics comes hard for me, like I'm not so talented in it like other people I know.

2nd option: Programming course for high tech - it's a very intensive and hard programming course - 6 months long, 5 day per week, 9 hours every day of studies, but when you finished you almost guaranteed to find a nice job in software development in a high-tech . the course is FREE but you are obliged by contract to work through the company for two years after the course (they get a share of your salary). 
pros: - after 6 months I get a good salary
          - Tabula rasa start compared to physics, a new city to live in
          - Programming is a useful tool that could help me later (I think)
          - after 2 and a half years I will save money that could help me pursue my LP
          - could help me achieve my minor LP of creating art (a video game on spirituality :D)

Cons: - not directly connected to my Life Purpose, I will probably postpone stuff for 2.5 years

           - not sure if in a high tech job I will have the time and energy left to pursue my passions

3d choice: pursue / find my passions  So like I said what i'm most passionate about is finding truth (consciousness work) but whats the practical things to do with it? become a meditation instructor? travel to India for a year and find a guru/teachers? go live in a monastery for some time? (if you have more ideas they are welcomed! ). on the other hand most people here seem to  separate LP and Enlightenment work, maybe it's better?

another option, (Like many here...) I guess that I could achieve my current LP by becoming a coach. but for some reason where I live (family and friends) coaches don't have good reputation so it makes me hesitate. I need to heavily research this, maybe move to the US :D. what's the qualities of a good coach?

Another option is to go see the world, I have a US and a french passports so  I can go live and work in the US or in Europe for a year or so, to see the world and know myself, but I'm not sure how to do this exactly, try to find a job somewhat related to to my LP? I'm not sure where to start and how to research this. Again I would LOVE to hear your ideas / advice.
Pros:  - follow/understand my passion in the most direct way

            - getting to know the world
cons:  - no clear picture of what I want exactly, 
            - probably won't be able to save money

 (of course I can also play with the options, Maybe First to do the programming course and only when I have some money/decent job to follow my LP full force?)

would LOVE to get feedback\ opinions, what would you do in my situation?




"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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@Vercingetorix Well, it seems quite clear that physics is a dead end for you. You're passion lies elsewhere from the sound of it.

Now you're facing the central challenge with life purpose: you've sorta found your purpose, but you aren't clear about how you can turn it into a viable career yet, and for the sake of practicality, you're turning towards irrelevant stuff like programming to pay the bills.

Your sole work here is to find out what changes you need to make in yourself so that you can pursue your life purpose. And be very mindful of all the excuses and fears that are causing you to desire irrelevant but "more practical" options.

If you let practicality trump your ideals, then you will get what everyone else gets in life: a lame job that they secretly hate. And all this life purpose talk will end up as just idle talk.

Now is the time to face your fears and think outside the box and research how to turn your LP into a viable career. This is why pursuing life purpose takes balls. It's not for the regular Joe. The regular Joe just wants the path of least resistance. And life purpose is a path of high resistance. High resistance comes from facing your inner demons and doubts.

There are a 1000 ways to raise consciousness. Being a coach is just one of them. You're stuck because you aren't being creative enough. Your brain is being lazy, just equating raising consciousness with meditation and coaching because you have limited reference experiences and haven't done any deep research into this field.

Try brainstorming 100 new, innovative ways to raise consciousness.

What kind of art appeals most to you?

How can you combine creating art with raising consciousness?

There's a lot for you to chew on here. Sit down and really contemplate the vast possibilities.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Damn, accurate read of me ^_^
I'm sitting and contemplating the stuff.

[after two days...]
I came to the conclusion
there are two issues: 
1) In a way I really feel like a child who doesn't know the world, I really lack world experience, and that makes me unsure of my life purpose.
So I need to fix this first (or together with pursuing my LP), I will focus on experiencing the world while finding, researching, and refining my LP.
2) LP vs Enlightenment
the only thing that burns in my heart is yearn for Truth, if there is any greater truth I must find it. It was the theme of my life since I was a small child trying understand existence, then when about 18 years old I bumped into the idea of enlightenment and was hooked, Tried a lot of different meditation techniques and other stuff but ultimately didn't feel I progress in anyway so I kinda lost faith in it after a few years (except in practicing self-awareness which I found beneficial so I continued to do ). After that I decided to pursue the closest thing I thought will lead me to truth, physics. But like i said now i see the futility of it  bringing me any closer to understanding my existence. And when I bumped into your videos about half a year ago I finally understood Enlightenment and what it entails much much better then the first time so I have the motivation again. 
But my intuition right now is telling me to not go live in a monastery, just to keep practicing, reading, maybe snorting ^_^  and deepening my understanding on the subject.

So I feel I know what to do right now. bring it on :)

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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@Vercingetorix The "research phase" is a good phase. The key to this phase is to do it actively, rather than passively. It's all to easy to say, "Yeah... I need more life experience." And then 20 years fly by and you've basically just been sitting on your ass because "I need more life experience" is such a vague plan. If you really need more life experience, good, that's a valid strategy. But now you gotta flesh it out and make it concrete. What kind of life experience? What steps will you take to acquire it? By when do you want to wrap up your research and commit to a LP? What kind of skills/training do you need? Etc.

Write up a plan and get to work on it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura That's what I started doing :) 
Any life experiences you recommend that helped you understand yourself better? I guess 5-MeO is number one

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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