Juan Cruz Giusto

Feedback About Life Purpose

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Hey guys! I want to share my first Life Purpose draft and ask you what you think. A brief background of myself: I'm 22 years old, I lived in Argentina until last January that I decided to go and study Entrepreneurship and Business in San Francisco.

First, my area of mastery is business (starting and running one). I read a lot of books about the topic, so I have a basic knowledge of it. I think it is my medium also because I see it like an form of art really; it is a way to create sustainable enterprises and systems, a way to create and capture value so you can really make an impact on the world. I think I have my Area of Mastery pretty defined but I'm open to possibilities. 

Regarding the Impact part of my Life Purpose, I have some but the most important for me is the raising of people's awareness and knowledge about life and themselves in general. I see my friends, family and classmates that are lost in stupid stuff, don't read, don't meditate and really don't know where to go in life, how to be happy, how to be fulfilled and so on. I think that spreading Personal Development all over the world is key for the development of humanity and out technological evolution is way superior to our psychological and spiritual development, so I want to make my life purpose raise people consciousness by creating sustainable businesses. It is like Leo's business but I'm not the guy that wants to talk in front of a camera, I want to be the guy strategizing about how to make this mainstream, how to help people become better, achieve their life purpose. I dont want to be a content creator, that is not my art, my art is creating a sustainable business model that develops people. I want to change education in the whole world and I cannot believe how many concepts people really don't know (Mastery, Zone of Genius, Spiral Dynamics and so on) and they don't know them because they don't have realize the importance of this work! My first idea is to create a personal development academy in which we have courses about different topics and recommend videos, making it a platform like Team TreeHouse. I believe there is a gap between the information that is out there and the people that really don't know about it and it is a matter of making it more accessible and practical to people so they can get interested.

So my first draft is kind of: "I create businesses that raises people's consciousness" or "I create business that helps humanity move forward".

Any feedback is happily recieved

My YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2PSLrNb


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@Juan Cruz Giusto That's a good start. A couple of pointers:

  • It's very unlikely that you value business for the sake of business. So get to the rock bottom of why you're actually interested in business.
  • If business itself becomes your life purpose, that could become a low-consciousness trap. It would be similar to making money your life purpose.
  • Drill down on what "raising consciousness" actually means to you. That's a very generic term. You need to be more specific about which ways of raising consciousness you're most passionate about.
  • If raising consciousness is the essence of your purpose, might there be better ways to do that than business? I dunno, but you should ask yourself that. Don't put the cart before the horse. Maybe the best way to raise consciousness is by destroying business? Are your loyalties to business or to consciousness?
  • What emotional impact do you want to have on people?

You don't need to answer here. These are just food for thought for you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I'll just respond here to see what others think also and just point out my ego blind spots. I love the idea of thinking in systems and creating strategies. I see society kind of like a puzzle and you have to shape your solution in order to make it fit. I'm surrounded by people that want to make business just for the sake of it and in San Francisco that is a common thing (orange people everywhere). I dont want to say that I'm completely done with that stage, I'm not. I just think that businesses, startups, companies are just a great way to create massive value. For example, you can create a farm and sell organic stuff or you can create a sustainable business that produces value in mass scales and really impact the world around you big time. I dont want to create a business for the sake of making money, it is just because I believe that is a great tool to create sustainable impact on thw world.

Thinking about it (or really making it clearer because this is stuff I think every day), probably my medium is business/startups but my area of mastery is strategizing or systemic/deep thinking and understanding (it will become clearer while I work). 

Regarding the purpose, I realize I have to be more concise. Probably make people realize the potential the have as a human being, or create a healthy model of reality, I have to dig deeper into it. Something with education and self development because I feel that our psychological development is far less developed that our technological one and it will create problems in the long term. I think this is the catalyzer for all change, the change from within.

My YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2PSLrNb


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@Leo Gura Just to give you a heads up, I decided to watch the Life Purpose course again because definitely there are things that I didn't take into account or think deeply. I was trying to put the cart before the horse... 

The fact that you don't know what you dont know is so fucking annoying 

Edited by Juan Cruz Giusto

My YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2PSLrNb


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