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Question for all lucid dreamers in here.

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Shouldn't the ability to be lucid during sleep dreams increase your chances of awakening in this sober dream right now? 

After all, in both cases its just increased consciousness leading to this realization. 

Any opinions?


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As much as I would like to say yes I does, beacuse lucid dreaming is fun and all. I don't think it increase one's chances for an awakening by much. And here is why I'm sceptical of that. As meta as lucid dreaming is, it merely shows you that the dream is not real as in being awake irl. So a lucid dream does only make you feel temporary free of your consequence framework that your mind operates from on daily basis. And that is probably where this sense of awe and freedom comes from in a lucid dream. But you stil continue to engage in the dream as you would even with out knowing that it was a dream, the only real difference is that you may take the dream less seriously so you can become much more playful while in it.

Edited by ZzzleepingBear

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Depends on how you use your lucidity in the dream, which direction you guide the dream in. 

You can spawn scenarios for doing spiritual healing, but most people usually just spawn things for short term pleasure. 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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@Vynce I had a book on Dream Yoga. Supposedly you can practice yoga in dreaming and get some deep results. Hopefully I get my book back here one day!

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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58 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

I had a book on Dream Yoga. Supposedly you can practice yoga in dreaming and get some deep results. Hopefully I get my book back here one day!

That sounds cool. Although, complete lucidity seems to be necessary for you to even think about yoga while dreaming. Can you dream lucid on a regular basis?

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@Vynce I didn't finish the book yet! 

Though, the last week I've had the most lucid dreams I've ever experienced. I am starting to think it is possible.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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On 7/18/2021 at 7:02 AM, Vynce said:

Shouldn't the ability to be lucid during sleep dreams increase your chances of awakening in this sober dream right now? 

After all, in both cases its just increased consciousness leading to this realization. 

Any opinions?


Indirectly it does help. But it's really hard to do it. A bunch of people never really had a lucid dream and confuse with the fact of "remembering dreams in a lucid way". 

Either way, search for the word Turiya

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If you take psycodelics inside a lucid dream you Will samadhi, i did it then i realize the nature of nothingness

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@Vynce Perhaps, but I doubt it would be due to any skill you develop from being able to lucid dream, rather it would be because you psychologically become more open to unreality.

When I was younger I would lucid dream, eventually it just stopped happening and I stopped trying as well. To lucid dream, you need to have conditions which you have no control over. That's been my experience anyway, where my experience of sleeping always randomly changes.
For example, some people don't even dream much at all to begin with! They have no control over that.

That said. I wrote this to someone a month ago, the last time I lucid dreamed 


Regularly for a while now (maybe for 1-2 months now) , whilst I've been asleep, I've had images or I feel as though I've been "looking through my eyes" in real life whilst my eyes are closed and I'm sleeping. I haven't been sure what these images were. Sometimes my eyes are closed (and I'm sleeping?) and I feel as though I'm looking at my room or my bed, despite my eyes being closed. However sometimes these images involved looking at my phone with its screen on, so that should have clued me in to it being fantasy?

So yeah, I've been having images (whilst asleep or semi conscious or something) for a while that I'm looking through my eyes in real life despite being asleep.

But, those images ended up turning into a fullblown dream instead. And I started off a dream whilst being in my bed and room, and lucid. Throughout the whole dream I was confused and contemplating about how real the dream felt, despite knowing it was a dream. I was touching and climbing my house, amazed at how real the sensations felt for being a dream. I was so light and weightless to climb things as well.

Since I was lucid dreaming, I did the classic "try to conjure a girl and have sex" and it worked once, only by luck. Lucid dreaming doesn't give you the ability to always conjure what you exactly want.

But throughout the dream I was just confused at how realistic it felt, at some point I was worried I was living out my life in the real world, but that my awareness/perception of it was this dream. I would hear random noises and see random people appearing near my house and worried that meant in real life I was having visitors and I'd have to wake up.


By the end of the dream, I was just using my lucid dream powers as the god of this world to compel people. And I was contemplating how this doesn't work in real life. 

There were more parts to the dream I skipped out. Me being scared by people/monsters in my house, confused more about how real the dream felt, etc

After this dream, I stopped having the hallucinations/images of seeing through my eye-lids when I'm asleep. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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