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Leo's recent Social Matrix video just reinforces my decision not to take the vaccine

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*note: This is not an anti-vaxx thread and I don't intend it to be a conspiracy theory thread either. With Leo's Social Matrix episode, how could we not question what's currently going on in the world? It wouldn't be fair if this thread was locked.

Leo's recent Social Matrix video just reinforces my ideas on why I should not take the vaccine. I haven't finished the video in its entirety but I'm 2 hours into it as I'm writing this.

Leo just posted a deep epistemological episode on 'The Social Matrix' which basically questions society at a meta-level.

I see the ideas presented in the video as a deeper understanding of society and social conditioning basically.

Throughout the video he proceeds to mention how certain news sources, authority figures, institutions, etc. have constructed this social matrix and how their worldview and ideas are biased towards anything that serves their survival. He also goes on to mention how their information that creates their worldview, has been sourced from others who have also played a part in this social matrix that has been constructed. This is circular.

Leo even mentions how the medical and pharmaceutical industry plays a part in this social matrix as well and basically how their medicines and research have been cherry-picked, picking that of which would generate the most profit for them, doesn't matter if the drugs kill you or not. I wouldn't say Leo says this exactly in the video, but he says something along these lines.

So with all of this being said, can't we apply this type of critical thinking and questioning to the covid and vaccine situation?

This whole entire pandemic situation we're in seems like a situation for opportunists to generate profits, fuck the consequences. 'And let's make it so that we can't get sued for any adverse effects of the vaxx!' Was the virus intentionally created in a Wuhan lab and released out into the public to create a world-wide pandemic for the elites to generate profits? Who knows. Regardless of what's true, they definitely are profiting quite nicely off of this situation.

Those who did the research for and created the vaxx are part of the social matrix. News sources are part of the social matrix as well, it spreads propaganda and fearmonger about the virus. These news sources are also most likely getting paid by the pharmaceutical companies to spread this propaganda and to promote the vaccine. Doctors are getting paid to promote the vaccine. So how the fuck do we trust anyone if we suspect everyone who is a part of the social matrix has some sort of ulterior motive?

So with all of this deep epistemological questioning about the system, how could @Leo Gura support the vaxx?

Some points on why I most likely won't get the vax: It's not FDA approved. Covid has a 2% mortality rate. I'm 25, healthy, I gym and take Vitamin D3, Zinc + Vitamin C, & organic multi-vitamins. I see more reports of adverse effects of the vaxx rather than reports of people getting sick from the virus. PLUS, these pharmaceutical companies have a history of some big lawsuits. Sounds like what Leo is talking about, these companies only care about profits and fuck the consequences.

And why the hell does Florida act like the virus doesn't exist? Looks like they don't give a shit. They've been fully opened months ago and been holding fully packed sports events with no mask mandate.

Reason I'd get the vax: To travel (if its mandatory)

Lastly to make the point again I'm not anti-vaxx, I'm just stuck in this neutral position because half the world seems to be pro-vaxx and the other half is anti-vaxx or anti-covid vaxx. I don't know what to believe but Leo's video reinforces my idea why I shouldn't take it, but then the teacher (Leo) took it! Maybe I just shouldn't follow the teacher, I should only follow the advice and think for myself.

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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