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Does Leo Conflate the Absolute you and relative you?

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just like you create a whole magnificent universe every night so god has done with you or i should say as you

your mind generates a you the dream and its protagonists god's mind generates the you the universe and your life


illusion does not mean false, it means it is real to the dream

ignorance is not knowing the false as false, the dream as a dream

just like your dream at night ends in an untimely unexpected arbitrary moment thus your life here may end any second


Edited by gettoefl

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It makes sense to me entirely. Reverse the idea that consciousness is inside of you to you being inside consciousness. When you think of yourself as just mind, that is infinite and all things.

The self-you is limited and finite because it is just one appearance in consciousness. The self-you IS the appearance in consciousness.

Your self-you can no more be another self-you than a leaf can be another leaf on the same tree, even though it's the same tree. They are separate leaves. We are one element of experience and memory in one singular "self", that is experienced simultaneously by the "Self" with ALL things.

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