What Is This Kind Of Inner Work And How Do I Do It?!

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Tool is one of my favorite bands and this is one of my favorite songs. The concepts in this song have been resonating with me for years, but it hasn't been until recently that I've been introduced to serious spiritual and emotional ideas that can actually be practiced in this way. I can't quite explain what I'm looking for because I'm really just craving these changes from a deep, intuitive level, but listen to the song or read the lyrics. I want to do that. How do I do THAT? I want to get in and clear out all the emotional and psychological junk. Is this what @Leo Gura has been pointing us to this whole time?

Obviously he's referring to the shadow as a method by which we can begin to make these changes, but beyond an old primer on Jungian psychology sitting on my shelf, I'm not really familiar with that technique. The closest thing I can relate this to is something like the Sedona Method. I'm really interested in the Sedona Method, but I haven't been able yet to solidify the "release" technique as a daily habit.

The part of this song that inspires me the most is:

I choose to live and to
Grow, take and give and to
Move, learn and love and to
Cry, kill and die and to
Be paranoid and to
Lie, hate and fear and to
Do what it takes to move through.

I choose to live and to
Lie, kill and give and to
Die, learn and love and to
Do what it takes to step through.



@Emerald Wilkins

"Teach thy tongue to say 'I do not know', and thou shalt progress." - Maimonides

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@ULFBERHT Your question is too broad. There are hundreds of methods for doing inner work, depending on your specific issues and goals.

A couple of very basic universal methods might be:

  • Meditation
  • Visualization
  • Journaling
  • Therapy
  • Life coaching
  • Reading self-help books
  • Contemplation
  • Psychedelics
  • Etc

If you have my book list, check out the books in the Emotional Mastery category. They provide a lot of resources for doing deep inner work. Also check out some of my top books in the Consciousness category. This step alone should give you tons of ideas for how to start inner work.

Remember, when you don't yet know how to formulate a specific challenge or question, and it feels like you don't know how to get started, that's simply because you haven't done enough RESEARCH! Go read 25 different self-help books. Then see if you still have this problem of not knowing how to begin. This path requires you do research. No one will spoon-feed you all the necessary information in one place (not even me).

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, ULFBERHT said:

Tool is one of my favorite bands and this is one of my favorite songs. The concepts in this song have been resonating with me for years, but it hasn't been until recently that I've been introduced to serious spiritual and emotional ideas that can actually be practiced in this way. I can't quite explain what I'm looking for because I'm really just craving these changes from a deep, intuitive level, but listen to the song or read the lyrics. I want to do that. How do I do THAT? I want to get in and clear out all the emotional and psychological junk. Is this what @Leo Gura has been pointing us to this whole time?

Obviously he's referring to the shadow as a method by which we can begin to make these changes, but beyond an old primer on Jungian psychology sitting on my shelf, I'm not really familiar with that technique. The closest thing I can relate this to is something like the Sedona Method. I'm really interested in the Sedona Method, but I haven't been able yet to solidify the "release" technique as a daily habit.

The part of this song that inspires me the most is:

I choose to live and to
Grow, take and give and to
Move, learn and love and to
Cry, kill and die and to
Be paranoid and to
Lie, hate and fear and to
Do what it takes to move through.

I choose to live and to
Lie, kill and give and to
Die, learn and love and to
Do what it takes to step through.



@Emerald Wilkins

Funny enough, Tool was the catalyst for what got me interested in exploring Jungian Psychology. For several years, I had a lot of issues for years trying to integrate the insights that I had during my "enlightenment experiences" and get back to that state somehow. I was really in a bad spot. I happened to be listening to Tool, and I started paying more attention to the lyrics (specifically to this song and Lateralus). So, I started to Google the topic of Jungian Psychology and came across a Jungian Blog writer and author named Jean Raffa. It was like reading something from an older version of myself. It was quite uncanny. I read all of her books, and each one had a bibliography of other books related to the topic. So, I read a whole lot of those books as well over the course of the year following, and it really helped me understand and get my bearings on how the psyche functioned and related back to my spiritual experiences, and why I was experiencing and struggling with some of the mindsets that I had back then. It was so helpful. 

I have a couple videos on Jungian Psychology on my channel, if you want to check them out. 

But this song specifically refers to the reintegration of the Shadow in order to get to a higher state of consciousness, theoretically eventually leading to the evolution of humanity as a whole into a higher state of consciousness. So, the song talks about picking scabs. This refers to searching through wounds that have already healed and been forgotten/repressed. So, extreme self-honesty is necessary for doing shadow work. You can also look to people whom you judge. This always means something about your values, beliefs, and assumptions about yourself and reality. 

But if you have any specific questions about Shadow Work or Jungian Psychology, feel free to ask. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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