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Solipsism. Gods perspective

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I just wanted to clear this up. Ive seen a few discussions and of course everyone has their opinion on the matter. But from Gods perspective and yours(mine), yes absolutely there is only one sentient being in the universe. You don't have to worry about that though, and I wouldn't even try to understand it if you are not conscious of it yet. But I just wanted to make it clear. In God's perspective, yes solipsism is 100% true. It took me many awakenings to finally come to terms with it and I can still see myself living happily knowing I'm God and alone in this particular dream. 

I do realise the irony of what I just said, why would I even write here if I'm talking to myself. Well you see, there's nothing really else to do. 


Edited by Godishere

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Haha good point. I just thought I would tell my perspective on it and how it's affected my time here. It's been such a tricky one for me. Back and forth, back and forth. Trying to wrap my logical, measley human mind around it. It's bizarre(and understandable) why Leo hasn't done a video regarding the matter. It's definitely a touchy subject I guess. But so so critical and intertwined with God realization.

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I remember Leo had a video about What is Perception where he had the sponge analogy that God is the whole sponge and all of us egos are each bubble in the sponge. And each bubble represents this perception bubble of perception and direct experience that you have here. But then Leo stated in God Realization episode that there is only one bubble. I wonder, why aren’t there other bubbles? Couldn’t there be other bubbles that are outside of my direct experience? I know I am imagining other bubbles right now, but couldn’t they still exist? What is limiting the universe to one bubble? I am still contemplating this stuff cause it blows my mind every day. I understand that this bubble that this ego identifies with is what exists. The ego will never experience another bubble but the one you are in now, but does that really mean that your parents aren’t having an experience of their own bubble reality? Even though I don’t experience other dream characters bubbles but my own, I don’t conclude that this perceptual bubble that I identify with is the only bubble that exists. There are infinite other bubbles in the universe that are all me as God right? All I have ever experienced is my bubble, but does that really mean that I can conclude my bubble only exists? I say my and I cause it is hard to communicate without self-referential thought. What is stopping or limiting infinity to one bubble and not infinity bubbles. In the sponge analogy, the sponge is the one bubble that contains infinite bubbles. If this is the case, then solipsism isn’t true in the way that is commonly thought. There isn’t one ego in the world, there are many egos and one God. 

edit: I also realize that all “other” bubbles I am imagining are always experienced or rather imagined in this one bubble that I call “mine” and “human.” But that doesn’t mean that a dog doesn’t have its own bubble right? A dog isn’t an NPC like on a single player game like Skyrim, but rather a multiplayer game? Or shared dream?

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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It really depends on how conscious you are.

If you are not too conscious other bubbles will seem real to you. If you become maximally conscious you will realize you are imagining everything.

The only thing you will ever find in the universe is yourself. This is the core intuition behind nonduality. It must all be you. God cannot have an other.

If you don't like this or can't handle this, then stay less conscious, where other seems real. God has designed things such that you can select whichever level of consciousness you prefer. If you want to play the game of other, play away. Once you get sick of that game, wake up to Oneness.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I will take the red pill of Truth! I am tired of living a lie. :) I’ve been fed the blue pill from the social matrix my whole life. It is mind blowing the lengths God goes to delude itself that it isn’t God, but I guess that is what makes a mindgasm out of awakening. 

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If you are not too conscious other bubbles will seem real to you. If you become maximally conscious you will realize you are imagining everything.

And just to add clarity...bubbles that seem real do actually exist. Things can be imaginary and exist at the same time.

Solipsism, relatively speaking, implies other bubbles do not exist. But they do, they are all just happening in imagination. The imagination itself is solipsistic because it’s the imagination of a single Being (absolutely speaking)

The content of the dream can differ through the fragmentation / localization  of infinite consciousness, but nonetheless, everything is happening in One consciousness.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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3 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

I remember Leo had a video about What is Perception where he had the sponge analogy that God is the whole sponge and all of us egos are each bubble in the sponge.



Yes but you can realize by shifting your consciousness from one of the bubbles to the entire sponge in which the bubbles melt away and there is only the sponge.  What was there the whole time was just the sponge in its entirety. It was always the entire sponge and individual bubbles were being imagined.  Same with staring at one of the fingers on your hand and then making a shift in consciousness...realizing it is in fact the whole hand.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I suppose none of this changes the fact that you can't ever know if other bubbles exist, even if my bubble is completely non-dual and of "my" own making. Emphasis on the "even if" part, I'm not that conscious. So that's about the extent of what I can say without finding out for myself. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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3 hours ago, Terell Kirby said:

And just to add clarity...bubbles that seem real do actually exist. Things can be imaginary and exist at the same time.

There is a huge difference though between being conscious that you are dreaming up all the bubbles vs normal human consciousness. You can, for example, stop dreaming the entire universe. This is not something within the possibility of normal consciousness.

1 hour ago, lmfao said:

I suppose none of this changes the fact that you can't ever know if other bubbles exist, even if my bubble is completely non-dual and of "my" own making. Emphasis on the "even if" part, I'm not that conscious. So that's about the extent of what I can say without finding out for myself. 

You can know everything. You are God.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, lmfao said:

I suppose none of this changes the fact that you can't ever know if other bubbles exist

That's why Solipsism is an utterly meaningless problem!! (for those, for whom it still poses a problem). 

"All perspectives" can only be your perspective. It's always you. If you could at this very moment incarnate yourself "into the perspective" of your mom or your best friend "to find out whether they have their own bubble", it would still be you who's looking!! It's always you. Always.

Got that?

There is nothing depressing about actual Solipsism. And if you think there is, you have no clue who you are and deluded yourself into a solipsistic prison where you feel trapped inside your head and "inside your bubble". 

You're not inside the bubble, the bubble is inside f*cking you!!!

And Leo was 100% correct when he said that you are the sponge. You're not the damn bubble, and you are certainly not "alone inside your bubble". 

Realize who you truly are, and you will find out who "other people" are. And there's nothing scary about it - and if there is, you know there's still some ego clinging to itself, so don't think that it was the final step.

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There is a huge difference though between being conscious that you are dreaming up all the bubbles vs normal human consciousness. You can, for example, stop dreaming the entire universe. This is not something within the possibility of normal consciousness.

Yes this is correct.

The trap of solipsism for most humans is 1. Thinking their bubble of consciousness belongs to that of their human identity 2. Their self proclaimed bubble is the only thing in existence. All of this is false of course.

We can become aware that the bubble in which we inhabit is one of many that we are imagining at the same time. It’s like having access to infinite maps on a video game ?. You can change maps, but you are the only player present.

Question is, how can one access the bed of infinite  maps whilst inhabiting a limited one?

 @Leo Gura I feel like I already know what your answer would be lol.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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@Leo Gura could I not just stay comfy in the game for the remainder of my existence as a human? I don't see anybody talking about this because it's shameful or low consciousness or whatever but why even judge it? If it's just me, then why not spend the rest of my life living in a van and entertaining myself with the internet? I'm only gonna reincarnate as some ambitious businessman in the future anyway. Let that avatar achieve a lot in the dream. It's all a dream made out of love Leo. Or is this Zen devilry and I should feel extremely selfish and a waste of space? Tell me how to exist Leo, you are my guru! ?

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@Terell Kirby how do you know this? Let's say you do have the experience of seeing other bubbles, that's still an experience. It could be a total illusion. You cannot possibly ever know other bubbles exist, unless somehow you wake up as God and everything becomes clear, and EVEN THAT could be an experience of it seemingly happening. 

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@Tim R If I take 5MEO as many times as Leo did and am still not convinced them I'm gonna be disappointed if I'm not God ?. A lot is being promised here!

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40 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

Question is, how can one access the bed of infinite  maps whilst inhabiting a limited one?

 @Leo Gura I feel like I already know what your answer would be lol.

That you are inhabiting anything limited is an idea you're imagining.

6 minutes ago, iboughtleosbooklist said:

@Leo Gura could I not just stay comfy in the game for the remainder of my existence as a human? I don't see anybody talking about this because it's shameful or low consciousness or whatever but why even judge it? If it's just me, then why not spend the rest of my life living in a van and entertaining myself with the internet?

You are free to be a murderer if you want.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, iboughtleosbooklist said:

@Leo Gura being a murderer is not in this avatar's programming. I'm a sensitive soul.

Yeah, well, that sensitive soul of yours has murdered thousands of living beings in your life.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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55 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That you are inhabiting anything limited is an idea you're imagining.

It sure as hell feels limited haha. But I get you man..the distinction between the limited and unlimited is itself imaginary :).

Edited by Terell Kirby

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10 hours ago, Terell Kirby said:

And just to add clarity...bubbles that seem real do actually exist. Things can be imaginary and exist at the same time.



10 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

Yes but you can realize by shifting your consciousness from one of the bubbles to the entire sponge in which the bubbles melt away and there is only the sponge.  What was there the whole time was just the sponge in its entirety. It was always the entire sponge and individual bubbles were being imagined.  Same with staring at one of the fingers on your hand and then making a shift in consciousness...realizing it is in fact the whole hand.

Thanks! The aloness felt with solipsism was realizing I am imagining all bubbles and I only experience myself. The mistake I made was confusing myself for the bubble, but the bubble is all I ever have. I gotta see it from the sponge perspective. But it seems difficult to do that when we will always be trapped in our own rooms or bubbles in consciousness. But I realize it is the same room or space looking out. It is Nothing.


1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Yeah, well, that sensitive soul of yours has murdered thousands of living beings in your life.

Damn. At first I was thinking of past lives, but I realize I cannot verify at the moment if past lives are true. Then I realized that I have killed many ants, bugs, etc. growing up. But then I realize from God POV, I kill every day and heal everyday. What a monster and saint God can be lol. 

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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