
How To Have A Great Holiday

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Its obvious to me, and also to you, that after working hard for a long period of time, the mind starts to fatigue, and become unproductive on a long term basis. This is what happens to me every semester of university. You start to feel unmotivated, you start to feel tired, the pain of continuing through work becomes unbearable, the stress becomes super intense, kind of like the feeling you get after running a very long marathon, and so a holiday is needed.

Though even when i have a holiday, I still don't feel re-energised. I still feel unfulfilled, and my mind still feels stressed and fatigued. How do you have a holiday so that you can rejuvenate, feel relaxed, feel unstressed, feel motivated again and feel unfatigued again as quickly as possible. 

I have found meditation to be the most effective method, but are there any other activities you can do on a holiday to get you pumped and ready for work again?

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@electroBeam I don't think it's only about what you should do. But also about what you shouldn't do. Usually you got some time off just to fill it all up with obligations towards your family. I mean you almost kind of have to. But try to have some days for yourself as well. 

Edited by STC

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@electroBeam Meditation helps. So does relaxing and turning off all electronic devises and just being wherever you are in the moment. Massages help too. Also, when I am on holiday sometimes I get so busy trying to do a lot of activities, it is important you take some time for just doing nothing but relaxing (weather on a beach with a book) make sure you make time just for yourself. Make sure you are always eating the right foods and drinking plenty of water because this will help with your energy levels and moods.

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Although it sounds counter-intuitive - work hard.

Now that may seem like a stupid answer - you're in want of a break from it all, why the fuck heck would you want to get back to 'working hard' as a way to relax?

Hear me out. ^_^

By this I mean working hard at something else that isn't your usual work. Your brain is fatigued because it's become under stimulated from doing the same regular tasks from day to day. Our brains relish a fresh challenge and putting effort to something different for a change can really be a lot more refreshing than you think.

Here's the deal. You've got to actively work hard at enjoyment to have the best kind of enjoyment. This is the kind of enjoyment that leaves you feeling satisfied, clear minded and motivated. You've also got the bad kind of enjoyment which you seem to have experienced that feels like more of a guilty temporary break. You're not alone. Most people take rest time to mean doing less straining work than before, but really it's to take a rest from what's normal to you.

If two people were to go on holiday to a different country for instance:

'Bad enjyoment' guy would probably not of prepared very much or done any research before his trip. He will want to go to the main site seeing places and take a few photos. Maybe, buy an ice cream. Treat himself to a McDonald's for lunch. Spend the evenings laying in a hammock by the sea sounds good. 

Ultimately, he will have faced very few challenges and stayed in a comfort zone - which you might think is fine. That's what holidays are for aren't they!? But actually, you get left with a dull happiness that had potential to be so much better.

'Good enjoyment' guy on the other hand has planned out his trip in advance. He's been engaging with users on blogs and forums so he's sought out where the best places are - hidden away from the eyes of tourists. He's packed generously and efficiently. He aims to delve deeper into the culture by exploring the food, music, art the country has to offer. He's thought to write an entry of each day at the country onto a website he has created specifically for the trip to share his experience with others. He's worked out the best route to get him around the country to the places he wants to be. He really wants to do X, Y and Z but these will be a challenge. Therefore he's working hard to do A, B and C to make sure he achieves these challenges.

As you can see, this guy is going to get a vastly more fulfilling and vibrant experience than the first one. It's because he's working hard for it. 

If you were referring to a holiday as being just a stay at home break then the same applies. Work hard and face challenges that have nothing to do with your usual work and you will come back with strong drive to get things done.

Rest time/downtime/holiday/vacation/break whatever you want to call it - it's not to be lazy, it's an opportunity! Make the most of it.

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