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The illusion of separate objects

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Ultimately, the universe is nothing other than the single, seamless process of 'change'. It is seamless because it does not actually contain any 'solely self-inclusive forms'. In other words, the universal process of 'change' does not actually contain any separate 'things' or 'events'.

Any given 'particular thing' (for example, a 'tree') is always in a constant state of change, which is to say that 'the tree' is in fact a 'process' rather than a 'thing'. This process can ONLY be occurring if the necessary conditions are present. These conditions are 'not the tree', and are naturally comprised of 'other processes', ALL of which can ONLY be occurring if the necessary conditions are present. These conditions are 'not those other processes', and are naturally comprised of 'other other processes', ALL of which can ONLY be occurring if the necessary conditions are present, and so on, ad infinitum.

Therefore, 'the tree' could not possibly be occurring in exactly the way that it is without the ENTIRETY of 'not the tree' (i.e. the rest of the universe) occuring in exactly the way that it is. In this way, 'the tree' naturally includes the entirety of the rest of the universe within it's own existence. Exactly the same is true of ALL 'particular processes', including 'Me' and 'Not Me' (and 'You' and 'Not You').

As such, the fundamental distinctions between all the different processes are purely conceptual, and so, do not actually exist outside of thought, in any real, physical way. Therefore, the only process of 'change' that is ACTUALLY occurring is that of the entire universe as one seamless whole.


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Curious. As there is clearly "someone there" and a sharp intellect. Are you experiencing any of the things you are conceptualising ore is it just "to keep you on your toes" as your footer says?

Edited by MrWolf

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You would really like Nagarjuna. He does a very thorough breakdown of time, space, and the appearance of objects. A bit dense at times, but really one of the cornerstones of mind-only philosophy. 

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The 'sea' of Presence has no 'sea' inside;

The 'sea' of presence has no 'sea' outside.

For outside and inside = You, which is oneness.

The togetherness has been forever here. 

God is good. So good. So good.

So much love...







"Words mean something because they point to meaning beyond themselves."



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Fucking beautiful insight man. Love it. Also... 10/10 profile picture. 

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22 hours ago, Someone here said:

Therefore, 'the tree' could not possibly be occurring in exactly the way that it is without the ENTIRETY of 'not the tree' (i.e. the rest of the universe) occuring in exactly the way that it is. In this way, 'the tree' naturally includes the entirety of the rest of the universe within it's own existence.


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22 hours ago, MrWolf said:

Curious. As there is clearly "someone there" and a sharp intellect. Are you experiencing any of the things you are conceptualising ore is it just "to keep you on your toes" as your footer says?

To keep me on my toes of course. 

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