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The Sun

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I don’t know why, but recently, I kind of get emotional when I look at the sun (as best as I can without damaging my vision, that is). There’s something about that burst of light in the sky that illuminates everything for us that gives me great peace and a feeling of love. It’s the closest, I feel, that “God” makes its presence obvious, with the moon and the stars in the night sky also being a part of that. It’s no wonder that the concept of God currently envisioned among society is associated with bright light.

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Yeah man, also everything around us. Its amazing how nature has evolved over billions of years.

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@Frogfucius Light is creating existence. In it's raw form, the light energy being emitted from a sun creates planets with life.  But behind that raw form of light you see with your eyes there is yet another more refined light energy. So there is light, within light.  Long story short, there is no separation between you and light energy on both gross and subtle levels.

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I think darkness is even more fasinating. For that allowes light to exist :D

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