
Although absolutely true, Leo's teachings sound insane to normies

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Here's an imaginary conversation I had with my Mother (who may as well have been hatched from an egg, as of course, she is imaginary), the Truth literally sounds like the ramblings of a crazy person:

Me: "Hey mum, did you know that science, history, politics, economics are all completely imaginary?"

Mother: "Yes dear of course they are..."

Me: "That's right, all that exists is the present moment, there's no past, no future, in fact me and you only exist as characters in the cosmic play"

Mother: "That's an interesting perspective dear..."

Me: "Yep, God is nothingness. My perspective is all that exists, you are a rather convincing NPC without your own perceptual bubble"

Mother: "ok you are scaring me now..."

Me: "there's nothing to be scared of mum, we are infinite beings! Well, the empty fullness which I am is atleast... The brain is just an appearance within consciousness to create the illusion of a separate, finite, vulnerable organism. God is playing make believe that it is a human having an adventure with "other humans" LOL. Scientists have been measuring the dream the whole time! I learned all of this from Leo Guru... I mean Gura... wait is that even a real name...?"

Mother: "-Oh hello, yes I need a psychiatrist for my son, he is trying to convince me reality is an illusion, yes the situation is quite unfortunate..."

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You exist in the world of relativity. Coming onto a forum and telling a bunch of "imaginary" strangers about your "imaginary" conversation is relativity at its finest. You're making this big distinction between what is imagined and what it is real... Well, guess what, imagination IS reality. 

"My perspective is all that exists" and "you are a rather convincing NPC" are signs of total delusion, not awakening. Just because Leo spoke an Absolute truth in a Youtube video, and you "imagined watching it," does not mean you understand anything he's actually saying.

Chop wood, carry water. Stop playing mind games with "your NPCs" and understand that you're on an ego trip. 

Edit: Of course, you may just be trolling. If so, well done. If not, clean your room, fellow normie!

Edited by OneHandClap

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1 minute ago, OneHandClap said:

Chop wood, carry water. Stop playing mind games with "your NPCs" and understand that you're on an ego trip. 

Lol definitely appreciate this reply.

@iboughtleosbooklist The best way to converse with your mom about Leo's teachings are not by talking to her about it, but by fully embodying this stuff through your presence, through your being. This can be achieved with serious meditation, contemplation, reflection, and self-actualization work. That teaches way more than 'weird' non-dual philosophy talk, albeit much more subtly. Of course this forum is a great place to get it all out through language :)

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1 minute ago, Consilience said:

Lol definitely appreciate this reply.

@iboughtleosbooklist The best way to converse with your mom about Leo's teachings are not by talking to her about it, but by fully embodying this stuff through your presence, through your being. This can be achieved with serious meditation, contemplation, reflection, and self-actualization work. That teaches way more than 'weird' non-dual philosophy talk, albeit much more subtly. Of course this forum is a great place to get it all out through language :)

Boom shacka-lacka! When one has REALIZED complete consciousness and collapsed duality, there is no need to lecture to anybody. The truth will be self-evident and expressed through the being naturally. Telling others how awake you are and how reality "is" might just be the greatest hallmark of one who has not realized anything yet. All those we perceive to be "asleep" are just as awake as a Zen master—the difference is that the Zen master knows how the game operates. You are a nugget of wisdom, Consilience. 

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2 minutes ago, Consilience said:

Lol definitely appreciate this reply.

@iboughtleosbooklist The best way to converse with your mom about Leo's teachings are not by talking to her about it, but by fully embodying this stuff through your presence, through your being. This can be achieved with serious meditation, contemplation, reflection, and self-actualization work. That teaches way more than 'weird' non-dual philosophy talk, albeit much more subtly. Of course this forum is a great place to get it all out through language :)

? this advice is really something to take seriously imo

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@iboughtleosbooklist  Your imaginary mother isn't worried by the things you're actually saying, but rather the manic energy you project while trying to explain it to her.  Once you reach full understanding, the desire to explain things and enlighten others completely drops away because there's nothing left to fix.

In 99.999% of cases where a person explores spiritual truths only to end up scaring their family, it's because the person's insight isn't as fully developed as they think it is.  You don't need to explain to your mother that she's a dream character - who are you really trying to convince, anyway? And why?

Infact, your imaginary mother's initial answers of noncommital and accepting "That's an interesting perspective dear..." etc is more indicative of enlightenment than the act of desperately trying to explain concepts to another person, as if their present way of thinking isn't already perfect as it is.

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@OneHandClap @Consilience

Guys, I don't mean to be stubborn, but... I thought non duality meant "not two".

My perceptual bubble is all there is = Not two (no separation with other perceptual bubble) = The NPC theory accords perfectly with non duality ?

My perceptual bubble exist AND others do also = Two (and three, and four, and five...) Separated with other perceptual bubbles = Duality! 

I'll never understand the stubbornness in trying to convince people that separation is real. Look, I never have experienced another perceptual bubble, and I'll never will. Because whatever exists right now, is what exists. Mine exist = Mine is true. Yours is just an idea in my mind. Saying you are an NPC is even too much. You are absolutely imaginary and this forum does not exist. I'm conscious I'm God. STOP trying to trick me..I've already realized who I am and I accept it. No purpose in trying to consolate me with a fantasy that other people exist "out there".

Please, you are getting ridiculous. Let me rest in my own loneliness. It completely cures my FOMO.

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Just now, dflores321 said:

@Javfly33 lol.

Says: Non duality is not-two.

Also says: my perceptual bubble. 


Of course, my perceptual bubble is all that exists that means I'm One with the objects and everything there is . That is non duality.

If what exists would be my bubble AND other bubbles, then I would be fucked. I would be not in non duality and I would always be separated from other points in reality. This is utter sadness and I hope is not true 

Don't think you are so intelligent and above me dude, I've seen your posts and you ain't awake at all Lol.

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45 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

@OneHandClap @Consilience

Guys, I don't mean to be stubborn, but... I thought non duality meant "not two".

My perceptual bubble is all there is = Not two (no separation with other perceptual bubble) = The NPC theory accords perfectly with non duality ?

My perceptual bubble exist AND others do also = Two (and three, and four, and five...) Separated with other perceptual bubbles = Duality! 

I'll never understand the stubbornness in trying to convince people that separation is real. Look, I never have experienced another perceptual bubble, and I'll never will. Because whatever exists right now, is what exists. Mine exist = Mine is true. Yours is just an idea in my mind. Saying you are an NPC is even too much. You are absolutely imaginary and this forum does not exist. I'm conscious I'm God. STOP trying to trick me..I've already realized who I am and I accept it. No purpose in trying to consolate me with a fantasy that other people exist "out there".

Please, you are getting ridiculous. Let me rest in my own loneliness. It completely cures my FOMO.

You seem to pingpong back and forth between "absolute truths" fairly often, from what I've seen around this forum. Consider talking to a professional about it. Going through life seeing everyone as an imaginary NPC (a belief, by the way) will not help your life grow in any beneficial capacity. 

Additionally, what @Consilience said is right on the money. Nonduality means there is no other, but also no you. There is only consciousness. If you're convinced that you are lonely, you are resting in duality. If you're convinced you are living not only alone, but also in a realm where you as an individual are the only real thing in existence, it's a step further into the shadow realm of delusion. Be well. Stay open to possibility. 

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3 hours ago, OneHandClap said:

You are a nugget of wisdom, Consilience. 

Thank you so much ? That’s the most heart felt compliment Ive received in a bit. Love the username btw. 

3 minutes ago, OneHandClap said:

Nonduality means there is no other, but also no you. There is only consciousness. If you're convinced that you are lonely, you are resting in duality. If you're convinced you are living not only alone, but also in a realm where you as an individual are the only real thing in existence, it's a step further into the shadow realm of delusion. Be well. Stay open to possibility. 

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55 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Look, I never have experienced another perceptual bubble, and I'll never will. Because whatever exists right now, is what exists. Mine exist = Mine is true. Yours is just an idea in my mind. Saying you are an NPC is even too much. You are absolutely imaginary and this forum does not exist. I'm conscious I'm God. STOP trying to trick me..I've already realized who I am and I accept it. No purpose in trying to consolate me with a fantasy that other people exist "out there".

Please, you are getting ridiculous. Let me rest in my own loneliness. It completely cure FOMO. 

If you are not trolling then this is really sad to see 

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11 minutes ago, Consilience said:

Thank you so much ? That’s the most heart felt compliment Ive received in a bit. Love the username btw. 

It's not easy to avoid getting swept away on the path... you seem very balanced! It's great to have people expressing the truth in terms that others can grasp without falling into conceptual pitfalls. :)

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@dflores321 "perceptual bubble" ?

But doesn't Leo teach this stuff (that you are God all alone imagining everything).  I think he is overexposed to Leo. 

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3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@dflores321 "perceptual bubble" ?

But doesn't Leo teach this stuff (that you are God all alone imagining everything).  I think he is overexposed to Leo. 

This seems to happen when people just listen without doing the work.

How many Buddhist teachers and arahants going around proclaiming, "You're all imaginary! I'm God alone!"? 

This right here is the very reason sanghas and meditation communities exist. People need grounding, IMO. Trying to do this work through brute force of the intellect is a surefire path to hellish realms of consciousness. 

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Just now, dflores321 said:

@Someone here Leo has definitely pushed solipsism before. 

Although I have seen him make a post here recently speaking against solipsism so perhaps he has seen through it. 

Probably the trap of focusing too much on one teacher, you gotta have a wide range of teachers to learn from, as it can be so easy to just have one teacher and parrot everything he/she says. 

I used to do this with Leo so I get it. 

It's funny how a teacher will tell you to seriously understand for yourself (which Leo definitely does) , but you can still easily just nod and proceed to adopt his teachings without doubt. 

There was a Zen teacher (Korean?) who taught that if a student was straying right on a road, falling off the center, he'd yell "Left!" If he was straying left, he'd yell "Right!" Leo's teachings on solipsism are provisional. They are intended to break a mind out of its rut of separation and get it to a jarring state of not-knowing. But you are right—Leo has also presented teachings that refute solipsism, as it is yet another belief. The real work must be done on one's own, right? :)

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