
You can ALWAYS stop playing the game.

27 posts in this topic

This is a reminder for myself and for someone there who may need it.

YOU CAN ALWAYS STOP PLAYING THE GAME. You can just let go - by choosing another game, another perspective.

You can always stop playing a game of:

- Spirituality
- Seeking the Truth
- Becoming more selfless
- Logic
- Politics
- Relationships
- Good and bad
- Learning, growing and waking up
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Fear
- Addiction
- Not being enough
- Being guilty

And remember... There is no judgement. There is no right and wrong. There is no 'more righteous' or 'more corageous' games. These qualities are all parts of the game - drawings on the paper, rather than the paper itself - and can be let go, whenever you want.

Edited by roopepa

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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You can ALWAYS stop playing games such as:

- Validation
- Loneliness
- Being right or wrong
- Heaven and hell
- Reincarnation
- 'Soul contracts'
- Life being a school or a test
- Reptilian overlords
- Past and future
- Spiral Dynamics
- Chakras
- Being a human being inhabitating planet Earth
- Science
- Being a man
- Being a woman


Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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@nuwu You are playing a shit game.

No one would consciously choose that.

That is the delusion. Not the emotions and connections.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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55 minutes ago, KaRzual said:

@roopepa What game do you play? 

As of right now, a game of slowly recognizing how much it's about creation and playing imaginary games.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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Man, if I have forever to exist as eternal unity, I might as well play games.. have ups and downs etc There is no rush here. 

And, only a fool thinks they can transcend what is here. Being a human is all these things.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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That’s the crazy part… we’re just playing the spirituality game.  Until that cosmic slap in the face happens to you and you snap out of it and realize “who/what” is really watching your life story unfold behind your eyes, then it’s always a game 


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1 hour ago, Thought Art said:

Man, if I have forever to exist as eternal unity, I might as well play games.. have ups and downs etc There is no rush here. 

And, only a fool thinks they can transcend what is here. Being a human is all these things.

Nothing I wrote here contradicts what you said.

The point of my post was to remind that one can choose their games.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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19 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Once you stop playing all the games.. What are you doing? 

I don't know. Propably some crazy meta-shit happens and I'm still right here, playing games, only actually not here playing anything for eternity.

Maybe we should ask @Leo Gura what he thinks.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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It's such a relief that there is always the possibility of dropping every story.

Also a nice practice is trying to drop all knowledge and just chilling or contemplating in a state of "I don't know anything at all about anything". Any explanations that rise up as thoughts, just correcting them with "wait I don't actually know that" no matter how obvious they seem. 

What's the danger? There's nothing to lose, everything to gain. It can be totally threatening to the "grand story" if it goes deep though. That's why we should have an annual day of not knowing on the forum, a day where everyone takes the position of not knowing anything and everyone corrects each other if they grasp on to some kind of knowledge. 

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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@roopepa you see..there is nothing to do. . but to play games. 

If you stopped playing every game.. Who would you be? Nobody as you were born. 

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28 minutes ago, TheAlchemist said:

That's why we should have an annual day of not knowing on the forum, a day where everyone takes the position of not knowing anything and everyone corrects each other if they grasp on to some kind of knowledge. 

Good idea.

The only problem would be that one dipshit who recognizes that no-one knows if this annual day is actually occuring today. :D

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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11 minutes ago, roopepa said:

Good idea.

The only problem would be that one dipshit who recognizes that no-one knows if this annual day is actually occuring today. :D

Shit, the loophole has been discovered already! xD

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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You ain't gonna choose for there not to be a day and night cycle, your next bowel movement or need to eat... Spirituality needs to be grounded in the mundane. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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10 hours ago, nuwu said:

@roopepa b-but I don't want to be nothing...

You don't have to. This "choice" you are creating between "being nothing" and "absolute self hate in the form of bullet points" is another game you are playing. You don't have to choose between the 2, you can create any type of life you want.

This idea of an unable and undeserving self is your idea. There are as many other options for you as you can possibly count.

11 hours ago, nuwu said:

- I don't want this. I never asked for any of this.

"This" is something you are creating right now. There is no "this" in actuality.

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17 minutes ago, nuwu said:

@4201 God, you are the most pathetic, useless, piece of poop that could ever possibly exist. I know you are aware of this statement, it's a fact. You hide your devilish self behind some delusional notion of beauty, which is completely made up self-referential masturbation at the most profoundly disgusting level. You don't care about the well-being of anything, if not how pretentious it is possible for you to be. You abuse the lack of absolute judgment to twist the meaning of symbols and claim yourself "aBsOlUtE gOoD" or "pErFeCt", in a very arrogantly auto-endorsed stream of lies that you keep repeating to as many clown tokens as possible until they fall for it within their absolutely meaningless realities. You are the most lamentable failure, falling flat to the most simple task conceivable which was to not be you. You didn't have to do anything. You are worthless.

"n-no u lol xD"

You don't understand. You have accomplished nothing. You won't, ever. You are still here, incapable of projecting the outcome of your own method at any advanced layers of understanding. Being some apathetic machine like you is my worst nightmare. What you try to pass as solution, is the problem. It's so obvious only the most stupid being such as yourself would miss something as simple as this, but your lack of interest to bring real positivity within existence has shown its shortcomings, and ended-up overflowing in the abomination you call heaven.

I can admire the level of hate that's coming out of your thoughts though, that's some next level self-hate there xD But you have to consider why it is that my comment generated such an emotional reaction from you? If I'm wrong then why did what I said bothered you? Do you get that much bothered anytime someone says something wrong?

There is a huge contradiction between considering me "worthless" yet giving me enough importance to even produce such a long answer about how much you hate me. It sounds like I have free rent in your mind, which honestly wasn't the point of my answer. If my answer didn't help too bad, you don't need to come out and try to attack me for it. 

All of that being said, none of this probably feels good to you. I can only imagine how you feel and it must be terrible. If I made you feel like that why focus on me? Why focus on the life you hate? You could just focus on things you like and improve your life instead... Those beliefs are not going to get you anywhere and doubling down on them just gets you deeper into insanity, as seen in this message.

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Yes. But there is also no one playing the game — Except, incomprehensibly, that’s not even a meaningful statement. Saying there never was someone having a life is as insubstantial as every single other thing. There is honestly nothing happening.

Edited by The0Self

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@nuwu I think I get you.

You are burning alive. So am I.

Wanna be friends? 


Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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