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When it's time to leave the rollercoaster, it's time to leave the rollercoaster.

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Life is a rollercoaster.

You sit in the ride. The ride does it's thing. Upside-down and loopy loop. Then, on that fateful day, the carriage returns to the station and you are invited to exit the vehicle. The ride is now over.

It does not matter that you now have to leave. There are many other rollercoasters out there for you to experience. It is an infinite amusement park.

But due to impermanence, you have to leave this particular rollercoaster. There are many people waiting in line to experience what you have just experienced. They cannot experience the experience unless you exit the vehicle. There simply is not enough space.

You do not get to demand that you remain on the vehicle. You do not get to complain and say things like: "But I'm here with my family. I want to stay on this ride forever!" This is selfish.

When it's time to die, it's time to die.

Move your arm around. Notice that the arm moves through empty space. This empty space only exists because of the death of people that existed before you. If there was only birth and no death, there would not be a square meter of space on the planet that wasn't occupied by human flesh. It would literally be hell on earth. The human experience is dependent on death in order to facilitate stability of the experience. Without death humans could not exist!

When it's time to leave the rollercoaster, it's time to leave the rollercoaster. Death is a feature, not a malfunction. 




Edited by cookiemonster

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