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My Risky Future

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Hi people I wanted to tell you that when I was 16 a guy on skype filmed me naked because he introduced himself as a woman but at the end he was demanding from me money and that`s the way I found out I was cheated by the guy. I have a lot of plans for my future but with what happend in those times made me very unconfident. Now I am 21 years old and I accept what I did was wrong but I really want to do something for the humanity. Now I don`t know thinking about what to do and keep on following my plans.

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How does that even work, you just skyped someone and started taking your clothes off? 


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@Marks199 Forget the past, its in the past. If you are really wanting to work on your confidence, I suggest to get clear with your goals and track your progress. Have a focus on something you love to do and this will build up your confidence and when you are confident you tend to forget about the silly little things that have happened in the past. Focus on what is ahead of you not what you left behind. 

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@Marks199 Hey... What you've done was done, gone. My advice is ... well, this is how I face my problems. You know people can't dis someone forever. When they get over it, they'll stop. It's like when you pick up a dry leaf and put it on fire. It will burn and out quickly. Just focus on your future and your dreams. If someone points a figure at you... look at their face with "So what?" attitude. LOL... That's me tho. I am not a perfect so are you, right? You took off the shirt, so what? Even if you were walking around naked, you did what you wanted to do, so what? Now, you are thinking it was wrong which means you want to become better and better. That's all you need for your present and for your future. I'm 22 by the way.

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