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religion and consciousness

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Thhough not very good withh words, I would like to find out about something.

Can you be a part of religion and also have a higher consciousness? Not 2nd or 3rd.

It may seem shallow. My intention for asking this is because I don't want limitations in spiritual freedom and peace.

Perhaps I have a lot of fears to overcome. And, religion is ofcourse fill of it. Maybe even more the seperatism.

I think it shouldn't be that just because your part of a particular people that you seperate from All. 

In a way, we really cannot go by the holy books in this case because it is contradictory.

Still, faith is also a beautiful thing. All of it is beautiful, subtracting the negative parts.

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religion is re - align - one

you are realigning yourself in the journey of realizing your true nature

for me i had to exit religion in order to get a handle on the truth but now a few years later i have a deeper appreciation and understanding of the idea that all roads can lead to rome, the big advantage of religion is the inbuilt community and the support structure that helps in one's journey, i lost that


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