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Could someone please link the fake Mahasamadhi video of Zen Buddhist monk?

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A few months ago someone posted this video below but from a different YouTube channel saying it was a monk performing Mahasamadhi.

However the thread was immediately locked by Leo when someone else posted another video showing the monk been woken up and alive after the "Mahasamadhi".


Could someone please link that video here?


A popular YouTube channel posting Sadhguru videos (not the official Sadhguru channel) has posted this "Mahasamadhi" video of the Buddhist monk and people aren't realizing that it's fake. I think they should know.


I'm not denying Mahasamadhi. It's just about this particular video

Edited by Chi_

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As someone who with meditation alone can attain "stuck it in your ass". What actually is Mahasamadhi. It is death yet not really "leaving your body". 

After watching this video. You know what   life is so wonderful.

Unlike these monks I imagine my gf finding me dead not really nice is it. 

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Leo, me whatever always come back so to speak.

I don't "ressurect" as anybody else. Accept it live it fully be happy that's all. 

It is state with no perception/appearances complete sense of no self etc. Literal nothigness or Cessation. 

One thing is to awaken second is Mahasamadhi and I do dount anyone made it because we wouldn't talk right now or in "future". 

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7 hours ago, Zeroguy said:

 I do dount anyone made it because we wouldn't talk right now or in "future". 

@Zeroguy Please explain

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Good reminder to always double check and not take everything at face value. :) 

I’ll have to admit that I was pretty bought in until watching the 2nd video. 

Did you write the channel? Maybe they didn’t know any better. 

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On 22/07/2021 at 11:55 AM, Ismael said:


Did you write the channel? Maybe they didn’t know any better. 

Yes I did. It seems like commenting on the video is the only way to contact the channel but the video already has over a million views in a couple weeks, so perhaps it's already a bit too late :D

Edited by Chi_

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