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Feeble Dave

Will Enlightenment Experiences Affect My Work Drive? (5-meo-dmt)

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Hey guys,

This is all hypothetical. I am at university at the moment.

So say if I had some 5-MeO-DMT and plan to use it alongside my current meditation and self inquiry practice, after having progess with it, would non-dual experiences and frame shifts in any way negatively impact my drive and ability to study for my course?


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@Feeble Dave Anything can affect your drive for work. It's not like your drive for work is a given. It could end tomorrow.

Consciousness work of any kind will cause you to seriously re-examine your entire life. That's the point.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 hours ago, Feeble Dave said:

Hey guys,

This is all hypothetical. I am at university at the moment.

So say if I had some 5-MeO-DMT and plan to use it alongside my current meditation and self inquiry practice, after having progess with it, would non-dual experiences and frame shifts in any way negatively impact my drive and ability to study for my course?


I had two enlightenment experiences as a result of Ayahuasca when I was in college. Prior to these experiences, I had a Leo-level work ethic. But these experiences revealed to me all the negative motivations, crutches, and demons that motivated my work ethic. So, afterward, I decided that I was going to quit being a work-a-holic. But I fell on the other side of the horse, and suppressed all of my drives toward individuation, worldly success, and creativity/productivity. So, for years to come I was constantly fighting against myself, not sure if hard work was good or bad. I now know that I just didn't have a good understanding of what I had experienced and that I was over-simplifying and handling the insights I had in a ham-fisted way. So, I would say that if you haven't learned about paradoxes and the differences between and importance of practical truths and higher truths, then you may have trouble with work ethic afterward like I did. But if you understand that effectiveness in life doesn't stand in the way of the realization of truth but identification with being effective/successful/etc. does, then you should be able to separate the wheat from the chaff and make wise decisions regarding work ethic.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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6 hours ago, Feeble Dave said:

So say if I had some 5-MeO-DMT and plan to use it alongside my current meditation and self inquiry practice, after having progess with it, would non-dual experiences and frame shifts in any way negatively impact my drive and ability to study for my course?

That's an interesting question. I'm in the same position as you are and I can report that it does impact ones drive and ability to study positively and negatively. When you have a negative cycle this will affect your your work. The same goes with when you are very present and aware. This will also (in this case positively) affect your work.

Also, your whole set of motives why you do your stuff may probably change. Maybe you quit your shit because you see that it's not really what you wanna do. That's hard to admit and then go through. And so on.

But in the end, you just learn how to be confident in what you do, love it and master it. And that'll naturally bring some difficulties along the way.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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Cool, thanks for your replies.

If I do do this then I might as well discover my motives for work now and move on from there.


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