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Question to anyone, who made their life purpose to help others get enlightened

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Today i've gone through several God-Realizations, with a near death experience included. The love and the compassion for reality are just bursting now. Feels quite remarkable to remember the illusory nature of this dream again. But still, im completely in love with dreaming into illusion again. This time with a little more baseline consciousness.

My question now: Do you guys also have this incredible desire to show your loved ones (parents, siblings, friends) this God consciousness? This is my ultimate goal right now, to bring consciousness and this immense love into the lives of everyone.

So be welcomed to share some examples how you've already helped others to increase their consciousness :)

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Yeah, hey... You know most people in my life thought I was crazy when I talked about this stuff. 

Very little of or deep enlightenment work is what I am willing to share with my family or friends. They just don't care and they don't get it. I myself still can't tell what aspect or insights are 'true' other than the things that improve my well being and the well being of those around me. I sense that I am still very immature. 

If you can talk about this stuff, but it requires the right context and the right container.

Don't underestimate the time required to properly integrate this stuff.

I am working towards teaching people aspects of enlightenment but my focus is very different now from 'god realization' to developing self knowledge and the skills and tools for de-armouring their bodies and developing longevity and a calm relaxed, and healthily energized body.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I haven't been able to raise their level of consciousness permanently. They have only gotten temporary experiences of oneness or love when I have their attention and I speak and make them laugh and channel the energy of my higher self. I need to evolve further if I want to help them better, so that's what I'm working on!

It's great that you have this pure intention, you will find the method of teaching that works best for you, follow your intuition and feeling.

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@Thought Art Sounds fantastic. To intuitively know that health, calmness and "a good posture" in life is important for enlightenment to happen is one of the main signals, that enlightenment is happening right now.

I wish you the best brother to find a creative way to teach that ;)


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"And if you are one who wishes to offer the gifts of consciousness to others, it depends not on the speeches. Rather, live that which you wish to teach and in your inarticulate being, bursting with love, there is that which shall speak to those whom you wish to aid. Do not be seduced by the cleverness of the intellect, because you shall never talk someone into the Kingdom of Heaven. Be consciousness, share consciousness, let silence grow with your relationship as it will. And trust that that which is within you, which is moving through you from the Creator, shall touch and teach in ways that are too deep for words but are ever so much more powerful."

-Q’uo -The Law Of One

Because I'm on a LoO spree lol. You may find this excerpt resonates. I have personally found that we teach other's most by our presence first and foremost. If someone is naturally curious, they will ask and initiate discussion. To help those who have no interest in enlightenment, become enlightened. It starts by sharing presence, space, emptiness, non attachment, letting go. 

To answer your question, yes there is that desire to share. But what I've personally realized is the way the ego wants to share, through the intellect, is not how this stuff gets shared most effectively. The individual(s) you're wanting to share with must already be at a certain level of curiosity for language and concepts to penetrate effectively, otherwise your only option is through being. 

Edited by Consilience

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@Vynce Nice to hear about your realizations. ? Most people are not ready to hear about these things so the best teaching in my opinion is not to speak about this but act from love and when they are ready they will come to you and ask.

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Everyone has a unique path in this. I think it is possible to talk to others about what engages you, your enthusiasm, without being pushy. It is important to let people know these things are out there, just being silently present is appropriate some of the time but it is not enough on its own.

‘There is of course a certain level of caution to be employed, you need to lead people gradually into these areas. If you immediately start talking about God realisation then they are likely to think you’ve lost your mind. I begin with basic spirituality and some self-development, because it’s a good non-offensive intro into the path.

Beyond that, when someone expresses an interest the role I try to take on is as a mentor and a guide. I don’t think any of us holds the fount to the one and only true wisdom, but what we can do is pass on good habits about finding the right information, and this includes the right defenses to avoid getting spiritually bullshitted.

The first thing to know about the spiritual field is that 95% of so-called guru’s or teachers are fakes. Our task as mentors is to teach others to sift the gold flakes from the dirt of the river bed. And I’d extend that even to the Buddha: Osho once said, learn from the Buddha but don’t be a buddhist, and he was not wrong. 

Becoming an -ist or an -ian is the short path to giving up your intelligence and your originality. Once you set out down that way all you are aiming for is being a poor copy of some ideal from history. And there is so much more to being what we are. Every human being has the birthright to be unique, creative, wondering, alive. 

Lastly I would say, don’t think you are ever done, and don’t get stuck on one source of teachings. We all go through phases, jags when we’re into one thing or another. It’s about taking from these things that which is beneficial, and discarding the rest. Your path is uniquely your own, and no-one can lead you by the hand to enlightenment. 

Edited by Bodhitree

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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@Bodhitree thanks a lot for your words. Especially what you said at last me happy and joyful. I'm so excited to see what life is ultimately up to :)

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When it comes to the teaching of others on the topic of their enlightenment I found the words of the Tao Te Ching to resonate on the subject:

"The Master, by residing in the Tao,
sets an example for all beings.
Because he doesn't display himself,
people can see his light.
Because he has nothing to prove,
people can trust his words.
Because he doesn't know who he is,
people recognize themselves in him.
Because he has no goad in mind,
everything he does succeeds."

~Tao Te Ching - Chapter 22

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not to be a bubble burster nor a naysayer but


be the message, be love to the world, speak only when spoken to, all else is ego

what are the 6 s's of love: sharing serving shining spreading singing soaring


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